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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(5); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(5): 806-815.
비호지킨 림프종에 대한 COP - BLAM 복합화학요법의 치료효과
이재성, 서장수, 현명수
COP - BLAM Combination Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Intermediate and High Grade Non - Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Jae Seong Lee, Jang Su Suh, Myung Soo Hyun
Between March 1987 and December 1993, 45 patients with intermediate and high grade non- Hodgkin's lymphoma were treated with a COP-BLAM(cyclophosphamide, oncovin, prednisone, procarbazine, bleomycin, adriamycin) combination chemotherapy. The median age was 49 years(range 16-76). 29 patiets were male and 16 patients were female. The common histologic types were diffuse large cell type(68.9%), diffuse small cleaved cell type(13.3%), and diffuse mixed small and large cell type(11.1%). The proportion of patients with 'B symptom, bulky mass, and LDH>550 IU/L at diagnosis was 42.4%, 6.7%, 33.3%, respectively. The rate of complete remission was 71.1%, and overall response rate was 93.3%. 2 year survi- val rate was 76.8/, but the median survival time was not reached right now(the median follow up time: l7 months). Age, serum LDH level at diagnosis, lower performance scale, stage, and cell type were significantly associated with CR rate. Stage, serum LDH level at diagnosis, and bulky mass were significantly associated with 2 year survival rate. Overall toxicity was acceptible without any treatment related deaths.
Key words: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Chemotherapy, COP-BLAM regimen
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