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Cancer Research and Treatment Checklists for Authors

These checklists must be completed during the manuscript submission. Please see Instructions for Authors for details related to these checklists.

1. Type in 12-pitch, ragged-right margin, double-spaced throughout.
2. Sequence of title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references, and tables and figure legends.
3. Title page includes (1) manuscript title, (2) category, (3) each author’s name, (4) affiliation, (5) running title of fewer than 50 characters, and (6) mailing address, telephone, facsimile and E-mail address of corresponding author.
4. Abstract with four specified subtitles in less than 250 words.
5. References should be less than 30 (15 in case report) and numbered in order as cited in the text.
6. Tables have a title not longer than 15 words
7. All tables and figures are cited in the text.
8. Each figure as separate files, in EPS, TIFF or JPG format, minimum 300 DPI.
9. Each figure has a title and an explanatory legend as needed.
10. Number of tables plus figures does not exceed 10.
11. Each necessary permission approved by the appropriate source.
12. Description of title and number of IRB approval (when reporting results on human subjects).
13. Description about the informed consent (when reporting results on human subjects).
14. Elucidations of research or project support/funding (if applicable).
15. Copyright transfer form completed by the corresponding author.

By signing below, I hereby transfer to the Korean Cancer Association the exclusive rights comprised in the copyright of this work. For the copyrights of the contributions, see Creative Commons (Attribution-Noncommercial) at http://creativecommons.org.

Corresponding Author


Printed Name                    Signature                  Date   .   .   .

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