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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 22(3); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1990;22(3): 595-600.
후신경아세포종 ( Olfactory Neuroblastoma ) 화학요법 1 례
진종률, 방춘상, 김훈교, 이경식, 김동집, 김민식, 조승호, 서병도, 윤세철, 최규호
Treatment of Olfactory Neuroblastoma with Combination Chemotherapy and radiation Therapy
Jong Youl Jin, Choon Snag Bang, Hoon Kyo Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Dong Jip Kim, Min Sik Kim, Seung Ho Cho, Byung Do Suh, Sei Chul Yoon, Kyu Ho Choi
Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) is very rare nasal tumor, which develops in the olfactory mucosa. Since the first description by Berger et al in 1924, about 200 cases have been reported in the literature. And there have been 3 reports since 1964 in Korea. All the reported cases in Korea were treated with surgical resection and or radiotherapy. The authors have experienced complete remission with combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy in a patient with olfactory neuroblastoma. A 55-year-old male presented with advanced unresectable olfactory neurobIastoma (stage C) and he was treated with combination chemotherapy (cisplatin, adriamycin, VM-26, cycloposphamide) every 3-4 weeks for 5 times followed by radition therapy (64BO cGy/36 fractions/9 weeks), which resulted in complete remission. The patient had been free of disease and asymptomatic for 8 months after treatment. Rescently left facial nerve palsy developed, of which etiology due to recurrence or treatment related fibrosis is unclear. Now, the authors are on study the etiology of left facial nerve palsy.
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