Cancer Research and Treatment



Original Articles
Rare cancer
Clinical Features of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in Korea
Ran Song, Sun-Young Kong, Wonyoung Choi, Eun-Gyeong Lee, Jaeyeon Woo, Jai Hong Han, Seeyoun Lee, Han-Sung Kang, So-Youn Jung
Cancer Res Treat. 2024;56(1):334-341.

Breast cancer
Androgen Receptor as a Predictive Marker for Pathologic Complete Response in Hormone Receptor–Positive and HER-2–Negative Breast Cancer with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Eun-Gyeong Lee, Dong-Eun Lee, Hyun hee Kim, Jai Hong Han, Seeyoun Lee, Han-Sung Kang, Eun Sook Lee, Heejung Chae, Sung Hoon Sim, Keun Seok Lee, Youngmee Kwon, So-Youn Jung
Cancer Res Treat. 2023;55(2):542-550.
Comparing the Characteristics and Outcomes of Male and Female Breast Cancer Patients in Korea: Korea Central Cancer Registry
Eun-Gyeong Lee, So-Youn Jung, Myong Cheol Lim, Jiwon Lim, Han-Sung Kang, Seeyoun Lee, Jai Hong Han, Heein Jo, Young-Joo Won, Eun Sook Lee
Cancer Res Treat. 2020;52(3):739-746.
Different Patterns of Risk Reducing Decisions in Affected or Unaffected BRCA Pathogenic Variant Carriers
Eun-Gyeong Lee, Hyok Jo Kang, Myong Cheol Lim, Boyoung Park, Soo Jin Park, So-Youn Jung, Seeyoun Lee, Han-Sung Kang, Sang-Yoon Park, Boram Park, Jungnam Joo, Jai Hong Han, Sun-Young Kong, Eun Sook Lee
Cancer Res Treat. 2019;51(1):280-288.
Prognostic Impact of Elective Supraclavicular Nodal Irradiation for Patients with N1 Breast Cancer after Lumpectomy and Anthracycline Plus Taxane-Based Chemotherapy (KROG 1418): A Multicenter Case-Controlled Study
Haeyoung Kim, Won Park, Jeong Il Yu, Doo Ho Choi, Seung Jae Huh, Yeon-Joo Kim, Eun Sook Lee, Keun Seok Lee, Han-Sung Kang, In Hae Park, Kyung Hwan Shin, Chan Woo Wee, Kyubo Kim, Kyung Ran Park, Yong Bae Kim, Sung Ja Ahn, Jong Hoon Lee, Jin Hee Kim, Mison Chun, Hyung-Sik Lee, Jung Soo Kim, Jihye Cha
Cancer Res Treat. 2017;49(4):970-980.
Identification of Prognostic Risk Factors for Transient and Persistent Lymphedema after Multimodal Treatment for Breast Cancer
Myungsoo Kim, Kyung Hwan Shin, So-Youn Jung, Seeyoun Lee, Han-Sung Kang, Eun Sook Lee, Seung Hyun Chung, Yeon-Joo Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Kwan Ho Cho
Cancer Res Treat. 2016;48(4):1330-1337.
Effect of Time Interval between Breast-Conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy on Outcomes of Node-Positive Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide Followed by Taxane
Hyeon Kang Koh, Kyung Hwan Shin, Kyubo Kim, Eun Sook Lee, In Hae Park, Keun Seok Lee, Jungsil Ro, So-Youn Jung, Seeyoun Lee, Seok Won Kim, Han-Sung Kang, Eui Kyu Chie, Wonshik Han, Dong-Young Noh, Kyung-Hun Lee, Seock-Ah Im, Sung Whan Ha
Cancer Res Treat. 2016;48(2):483-490.
Breast Cancer–Related Lymphedema after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Myungsoo Kim, In Hae Park, Keun Seok Lee, Jungsil Ro, So-Youn Jung, Seeyoun Lee, Han-Sung Kang, Eun Sook Lee, Tae Hyun Kim, Kwan Ho Cho, Kyung Hwan Shin
Cancer Res Treat. 2015;47(3):416-423.
Case Reports A Case of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Complicated by Pulmonary Tumor Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Hak Jin Kim, Mi Hyang Kwak, Sun-Young Kong, Moon-Woo Seong, Han-Sung Kang, Keun Seok Lee, Jungsil Ro
Cancer Res Treat. 2012;44(4):267-270.

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