1Department of Preventive Medicine, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 2Department of General Surgery, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 3Department of Anesthesia, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea. 4Department of Daegu Cancer Registry, Keimyung University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.
PURPOSE: A population-based cancer registry was set up in January 1, 1997 to estimate the incidence of cancer in Daegu, South Korea.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data sources for case-finding and abstracting were hospital inpatients, other sources in hospitals other than inpatients, and private pathology laboratories. The registered cases were matched against two external databases, the death certificate and medical insurance claims.
RESULTS: A total of 7,837 cases (4,203 males, 3,634 females) were registered in 1997~98 excluding 2,718 cases of DCN. The crude incidence rates of all cancers combined were 170.7/100,000 (ASR 255.0) in males and 149.8 (ASR 154.4) in females. In males, the most common cancer was stomach (47.3, ASR 69.0), followed by liver (28.0, ASR 37.6), lung (26.0, ASR 44.1), colorectum (14.9, ASR 23.3),urinary bladder (4.5, ASR 7.0) and prostate (3.5, ASR 7.0). The most common cancer in females was stomach (25.8, ASR 26.9), followed by breast (21.7, ASR 20.4), cervix uteri (21.1, ASR 20.4), colorectum (14.9, ASR 16.0), lung (9.9, ASR 11.0), liver (9.3, ASR 10.1), and thyroid (6.1, ASR 5.7). The overall percentage of microscopically verified and the DCN% were 80.3%, 27.7% in males and 88.7%, 20.7% in females, respectively.
CONCLUSION: These results show that the incidence level of all cancers combined in both sexes in Daegu is approaching that of other industrialized regions in Asia as well as in the world.