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Cancer Research and Treatment > Volume 34(5); 2002 > Article
Cancer Research and Treatment 2002;34(5): 394-396. doi: https://doi.org/10.4143/crt.2002.34.5.394
Metastasis to the Thigh Skeletal Muscle from an Adenocarcinoma of the Duodenum
Hyo Wook Gil, Jong Ho Won, Nam Su Lee, Sang Cheol Lee, So Eun Kim, Chan Kyu Kim, Kyu Taeg Lee, Sung Kyu Park, Seung Ho Baick, Dae Sik Hong, Hee Sook Park
Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of InternalMedicine, Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine,Seoul, Korea. parkhs@hosp.sch.ac.kr
  Published online: October 31, 2002.
Skeletal muscle is one of the most unusual metastatic sites for any malignancy. Duodenal cancer is extremely rare, and no cases of skeletal muscle metastasis from duodenal cancer have been reported. We report here in a case of metastasis to the skeletal muscle of the left thigh from duodenal cancer. Our patient was a 47-year-old man, exhibiting a painful mass in the posterior aspect of his left thigh over a 4 month period. An imaging study, and a biopsy, revealed a duodenal adenocarcinoma metastasize to the skeletal muscle. The patient refused chemotherapy and has followed up for 4 months.
Key words: Duodenal neoplasm;Skeletal muscle;Metastasis
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