Fig. 1Low-grade ESS. The tumor resembles normal stroma of proliferative endometrium, characterized by generally uniform cells with minimal nuclear pleomorphism and cytologic atypia, hyalinized connective tissue, and a rich, vascularized background (left, hematoxylin and eosin; right, corresponding part of the left slide stained positive for CD10).
Fig. 2High-grade ESS. The tumor is composed of anaplastic spindle cells that have a high mitotic index and frequently encountered abnormal mitotic figures. (left, hematoxylin and eosin; right, corresponding part of the left slide stained negative for CD10).
Fig. 3Overall survival as a function of ESS grade.
Fig. 4Overall survival based on adjuvant therapy after surgical treatment.
Table 1Patient characteristics
Table 2Adjuvant therapy after surgical treatment (n=26)
Table 3Clinical outcomes of patients