The prognosis of surgically treated early gastric cancer(EGC) is usually excellent and the recurrence rate is quite low. From January l985 to December l993, 708 cases of EGC among 4408 cases of gastric cancer underwent gastrectomy in Korea Cancer Center Hospital. Among them 619 cases could be followed-up, and disclosed 24 cases(3.9%) of recurred EGC. 5 and 10 year survival rate in EGC exclusive of other cause of death were 95.8% and 95.4%. Mean interval between surgery and recurrence was 31.7 month and mean survival time was 40.3 month. Retrospective analysis was performed to evaluate the clinicopathological factors which relate to recurrence and survival rate. In univariated and multivariated analysis of factors, statistically significant prognostic factors are regional lymph node metastasis and macroscopically elevated type(p<0.05). Mode of recurrence in EGC was commonly hematogenous metastasis(69.7%), and frequent metastatic sites were liver, bone and lung