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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 28(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1996;28(3): 589-597.
동적시스템의 계수변환 검출에 의한 암의 조기진단에 관한 연구
An Early Diagnosis of Cancer by the Detection of Parameter Changes in Dynamical Systems
Kwon Soon Lee
The researcher proposed a mathematical model of the interaction between tumor cells and the immune system to obtain a better understanding of body immune processes. It provides the systematical analysis of cancer and immune system using system and control theory in engineering. An early detection of cancer is very important for the complete cure of cancer. Therefore, it is considered a diagnosis of cancer via the detection of an abrupt change from the healthy state to the cancerous state. The statistical testing is proposed to implement a parameter change algorithm. The detection algorithm studied in this research is based on sequential hypotheses testing in a so-called local asymptotic framework. Here a simple numerical example is provided to highlight some of the concepts and to provide a basis for further investigation. Despite its simplicity this research may have practical application in clinical oncology.
Key words: Cancer, Immune systems, Change detection, Monitoring, Cancer diagnosis
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