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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 28(1); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1996;28(1): 35-43.
비절제 위암의 예후 및 삶의 질에 대한 연구
이강영, 김용일, 노성훈, 민진식
Prognosis and Quality of Life of Non - resectable Gastric Cancer
Kang Young Lee, Yong Il Kim, Sung Hoon Noh, Jin Sik Min
The records of 217 patients with proven non-resectable gastric cancer were studied at Yonsei University Hospital over the 4 years period from January 1990, to December 1993 to clarify Quality of life of gastric cancer patients who could not be resected. The mean survival time of total patients was 10.5 months.(Male: 10.6, Female; 10.4) The survival time was affected by gross type and histologic type. Survivals according to the Borrmann type were as follows; Borrmann type I: 11.5 months, II: 11.3 months, III: 10.2 months, IV; 8.2 months. Survivals according to the histological type were as follows; well differentiated: 20.3 months, moderately differentiated: ll.5 months, poorly differentiated: 9.2 months, signet ring cell carcinoma: 7.9 months. The age, sex and cause of non-resectability did not affect the survival. The mean score of QOL(quality of life) according to Spitzer index was 4.8. The QOL was affected by histological type and type of operation. QOL index scores according to histo logic type were as follows; well differentiated: 6.4, moderately differentiated: 5.5, poorly differentiated: 4.7 and signet ring cell type: 3.5. QOL index scores according to type of operation were as follows; by pass procedure: 5.6, Explo-lapa & closure: 4.0. In conclusion, we could confirm the bad limited survival and quality of life of non-resectable gastric cancer patients. We suggest a new therapeutic approach to improve the survival and QOL of non-resectable gastric cancer patients.
Key words: Nonresectable gastric cancer, Prognosis, Quality of life
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