Weight 1oss and inanition are the poor prognoatic sign in cancer patients. Tumor site is a major determinant of energy expenditure in gastrointestinal cancer patient. Patients with carcinoma of the stomach or pancreas present with a significant weight loss. In the advanced gastric cancer patients with pyloric obstruction, energy balance and weight 1oss have a significant implication on their postoperative recovery. The introduction of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) kindled the hope of ameliorating cancer-associated weight loss. However tumor-related inanition is sometimes resistant to parenteral forced feeding. So we studied the effect of fatty acid administration in the advanced gastric cancer patients with pyloric obstruction. The study group with administration of fatty acid is proved to have better recovery in early postoperative periad. Administratian of fatty acid decreased the protein breakdown and raised the serum ferritin level more rapidly. Serum albumin level was more stable in fatty acid administration group than in the group with TPN without fatty acid supplement. From the results of this study, we suggest that the administration of fatty acid with TPN may improve the postoperative recovery of cancer patients and ameliorate the muscle protein breakdown as well as to enhance the immune function.