Backgro#nnd: Evaluation has been undertaken in recent years to define the rale of 5- fluorouracil and cisplatin(FP) combination chemotherapy in the management of patients with locally advanced, metastatic and recurrent gastric cancer. We performed a retrospective analy- sis to assess the efficacy of FP chemotherapy on advanced gastric cancer. Method: Fifty-one patients with advanced gastric cancer were treated with FP chemothera- py. The regimen consisted of infusion of 1g/m of 5- fluorouracil for 5 consecutive days and in- fusion of 60mg/m of cisplatin on the first day. The treatment was repeated every 3 weeks until the progression of disease or development of unacceptable toxicities. Resnlte: Among 31 evaluble patients, 1 patient achieved complete remission(3.2%) and 16 patients, partial remission(51.6%). The median survival of overall patients was 203 days. The me- dian survival of responders was 413 days and that of nonresponders, 125.5 days(p=0.0091). No prognostic factors for response were identified. Perfomance status (p=0.0022) and the main site of measurable disease(p=0.0392) were statistically significant prognostic factors for survi- vaL Major toxicities were neutropenia(33.0%), anemia(59.2%), nausea and vomiting (69.2%). Coneluslon: FP chemotherapy had a modest antitumor effect in terms of median survival and was well tolerated.