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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(3); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(3): 460-466.
부인과 종양환자에서 초음파진단에 의한 자궁 내강 Fluid collection 측정의 임상적 의의
유근재, 김수녕, 조인제, 김두호, 전혜정, 박정희
Clinical Significance of Endometrial Cavity Fluid Detected by Ultrasonography in Patients with Gynecologic Neoplasm
Keun Jai Yoo, Soo Nyung Kim, In Jae Cho, Doo Ho Kim, Hae g Jeon, Jeong Hee Park
There are a number of different causes of endometrial fluid collections. Hematometra, hematocolpos, pregnancy and its complications, pelvic inflammatory disease, menstruation or exogenous estrogen administration have been reported to cause uterine fluid collections. The sonographically detected endometrial cavity fluid in the postmenopausal women has been described as indicative of uterine malignancy. The purpose of this study was to determine whether sonographic detection of the endometrial cavity fluid might be useful in the evaluation of gynecologic neoplasm. The results were as follows; 1) The sonographic detection rate of endometrial fluid in endometrial hyperplasia, endome- trial cancerm uterine myoma, cervical cancer, benign ovarian tumor were 33%(8/24), 50% (3/6), 11%(7/66), 9%(1/l1), 10%(l/10) respectively. 2) The sonographic detection rate of endometrial cavity fluid in vaginal bleeding was 56%(66/ 117) which was not significantly higher than that of other sy mptoms. 3) The sonographic detection rate(37%) of endometrial fluid in endometrial hyperplasia and cancer was significantly higher than that of other gynecologic neoplasms(10%)(P<0.05). 4) The frequency(10/1l) of vaginal bleeding in endometrial hyperplasia and cancer with endometrial cavity fluid detected by ultrasonography was significantly higher than that of other gynecologic neoplasms(P < 0.05). 5) The amounts of endometrial cavity fluid(mean+1SD) were 1.76+-1.35ml in endometrial hyperplasia, 2.33+-1.16m1 in endometrial cancer, 1.76+-1.35ml in uterine myoma, 8.00+-0.00ml in cervical cancer and 1.000.00ml in benign ovarian tumor. 6) In premenopausal and postmenopausal women, endometrial fluid collections were found in 15(18%) and 5(15%) cases respectively and there was no significant difference between the two groups.
Key words: Endometrial cavity fluid, Ultrasonography, Gynecologic neoplasm
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