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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 22(3); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1990;22(3): 587-595.
소아 연령의 내배엽동 종양 3 예
최상욱, 이미정, 조경자, 장자준
Three Cases of Endodermal Sinus Tumor in Pediatric Age
Sang Wook Choi, Mi Jeong Lee, Kyung Ja Cho, Ja June Jang
We experienced three cases of Enclodermal sinus tumor (EST) during 9 months of period developed at intestine ovary and sacrococcyx. EST is the most common Gerrn cell tumor in pediatric age. The sacror occygeal area is the major site of involvement in the newborn and infant; in older children, the ovary is the chief location. Like most Germ cell tumor, EST is very sensitive to Chemotherapy and thc long term survior have been reported recently with the regimen containing CDDP (cisplatinum).
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