Angiogenesis, a process of new blood vessel formation, is an essential biological phenomenon that occurs in normal growth, wound healing, inflammation, and even in a malignant tumor growth. It is now well known that unrestricted growth of tumor is dependent upon angiogenesis and a tumor itself release angiogenic factors which stimulate migration and proliferation of capillaries toward the tumor from neighboring blood vessels. A numorous study has been going on to find out a strong angiogenic inhibitor which could be used to comabat tumor angiogenesis and achieve tumor regression. In order to investigate angiogenic properties of several medicines author utilized a chick chorioallantoic membrane assay technique. Protamine sulfate (50 ug), picibanil (0.6 uKE), heparin (6 ug) and prostaglandidn E1, (1 ug) were tested, and normal saline was used for control. Each test medicine was absorbed into a small piece of cottonoid disk and then it was placed at the edge of the chorioallantoic membrane of 4 days old chick embryo, and angiogenesis was evaluated after 48 hours incubation. According to the degree of vascular growing by the naked eyes, the responses were subdivided into 3 groups as no response, the inhibited and the increased. Control group, heparin and picibanil groups revealed no response on angiogenesis Prostaglandin E, demonstrated increased vascular reponse, protamine sulfate showed a strong inhibition of angiogenesis. In conclusion, test chemicals showd different angiogenic responses. Only protamine sulfate demon- strated a strong angiogenic inhibition. Por the clinical application of this inhibitor, Further evaluation may be required.