난소의 Krukenberg 종양에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
강순범, 박노현, 최영민, 이효표 |
Krukenberg Tumors of the Ovary : A Clinical Analysis of 16 Cases |
Soon Beom Kang, No Hyun Park, Young Min Choi, Hyo Pyo Lee |
The records of ovarian tumor registry in the SNUH were reviewed from 1983 to 1987. The charts of the patients diagnosed as Krukenberg tumors were screened as to clinical history, physical and operative finding, postoperative chemotherapy and so forth. The survival data was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier method. The results were as follows. 1l The incidence of Krukenberg tumors in all neoplastic ovarian tumors and all malignant ovarian tumors was 3.78% (16/421) and 10.96% (16/146) respectiveIy. 2) The average age was 41.4+8.4 years with range from 28 to 61. 3) The most common presenting symptoms, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal distension, postmenopausal bleeding in order. 4) Except one of unknown origin, primary tumor was all found in the stomach. 5) The largest tumor f ound was 1,080 g and measured 17 x 13 x 8 cm, and the sma 1 lest was 8 g and measu red 3 x 1.5 x 1 cm. 6) Among the cases that could be evaluated for bilaterality, both ovaries were involved in 92.9(13/14). 7) Among the cases that stomach cancer occured prior to Krukenberg tumor (7 cases), the average interval from the diagnosis of stomach cancer to the diagnosis of Krukenberg tumor was 24 4+15. 7 months (range from 10 to 60 months) B) Chemotherapy was performed in ll cases and the regimens are FAM (5 FU, Adriamycin, Mitomycin), FP (5--FU, Cisplatinum), VPB (Vincristin, Cisplatinum, Bleomycin).and FM (5 FU, Mitomycin). 9) The 6 manth, 9-month, 15 month survival rate by Kaplan-Meier method was 66%, 44% 29% respectively Until now there is little hope to cure this disease. But it is possible to improve survival rate by early diagnosis, operation and combination chemotherpy. |