Sixty six lesions of 66 patients with locally advanced malignant tumors were received thermoradiotherapy with ultrasound and/or 915 MHz microwave. Most of all patients were failed with previous conventional therapeutic trial. Hyperthermia had been done immediately after radiotherapy, twice a week, 43'C for one hour and radiotherapy had been done 5 fractions per week with a fraction size of 2 Gy up to total 30 to 60 Gy. Conclusions are as follows. 1) Total response rate (CR+ PR) to thermoradiotherapy with microwave and ultrasound was 85 %. 2) Tumor depth, minimum temperature of tumor center, number of heat fraction and irradiation dose were statistically significant factors affecting response. 3) Hyperthermia with microwave and ultrasound can be used efficiently to control locally advanced malignant tumars whether previously received near tolerance dose of radiotherapy or not.