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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 20(2); 1988 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1988;20(2): 133-143.
신생마우스를 이용한 중기실험법에 있어서의 자연산생물에 의한 Benzo(a)purene 유발폐선종발생 억제작용에 관한 연구
윤탁구, 김성호
Inhibition of Development of Benzo(a)purene-induced Mouse Pulmonary Adenoma by Several Natural Products in medium-term Bioassay System
Taik Koo Yun, Sung Ho Kim
The present experiment adopted the nine week medium-term bioassay system that was established at the auturs' laboratory. In the nine week medium-term assay system,500 ug of benzo(a)pyrene were injected to non-inbred NIH<GP) mice within 24 hours after birth in the subscapular region and they were weaned three weeks later. After weaneing, candidates for anticarcinogenic agents were administered orally or injected subcutaneously. They were sacrificed at nine weeks of age and the incidence of adenoma developed in the lung was observed. Fresh ginseng, red ginseng, carrot, p-carotene, soybean lecithin, spinach, Sesamun indicum, Ganoderma lucidum, and caffeine were tested for their anticarcinogenic effect by this system, in which red ginseng, soybean lecithin, Ganoderma lucidum, and caffieine showed anticarcinogenic effect, while fresh ginseng, carrot, p-carotene, and spinach did not This result suggested that the nine week medium-term biossay system was useful in screening cancer preventive agents. It was considered necessary to conduct further experiments in arder to confirm whether this system could be effectively used in testing carcinogenicity of chemicals.
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