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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 18(1); 1986 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1986;18(1): 21-29.
Cisplatin 투여 환자에서 Dexamethasone 과 Metoclopramide 단독 및 복합투여에 의한 항구토 효과의 비교
김도영, 고은희, 김주항, 김유리, 이홍재, 전상일, 이선주, 한지숙, 고윤웅
Comparison of the Antiemic Efficacy of Dexamethasone Alone and Metoclopramide Alone with Combination of Dexamethasone and Metoclopramide Against Ciplatin Induced Emesis
Doe Young Kim, Eun Hee Koh, Joo Hang Kim, Yoo Lee Kim, Hong Jae Lee, Sang Il Cheon, Sun Ju Lee, Jee Sook Hahn, Byung Soo Kim
Nausea and vomiting may be the limiting factors in anticancer chemotherapy and these unpleasant aide effects can he so severe that some patients may delay or stop the chemo- therapy. Ac Yonsei Cancer Center, sixty-nine patients undergoing syatemic chemotherapy with cisplatin were studied in a prospective, randomized fashion to compare the antiemetic efficacy of a combination regimen consisted of dexamethasone and metoclopramide with that of each dexamethasone and metoclopramide alone. Dexamethasone was given by intravenous injection at a does of 10 mg for total 3 doses, given 30 minutes before cisplatin, then 2 and 4 hours afterward. Metoclopramide was given as an iv at a dose of 20mg with same intervals as dexamethasone. Combination regimen of dexamethasone and metoclopramide was given with same doses and intervals as mentioned above. Patients treated with the combination regimen(average rumber of vomitings: 2) had significantly fewer vomiting episodes, compared with that of metoclopramide(average number of vomitings: 6, P<0.005) or dexamethasone ( average number of vomitings: 3.8, P<0.01) alone group. Patients with poor performance status(H3, average number of vomitings: 8.3) showed. significantly more vomiting episodes than that of better performance status(H1, average number of vomitings: 2. 9, P<0. 005). Side effects such as sedation(10%), diarrhea(13%) and general weakness(32%) were observed in combination therapy group, but reversible and acceptable. We concluded that combinations of intravenous metoclopramide plus dexamethasone are effective in controlling cisplatin induced emesis, but showed somewhat reduced efficacy in patients with poor performance status.
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