Apart from involvement of the intestine in the terminal stage of abdominal carcinomatosis, the occurrence of solitary or multiple metastatic nodules affecting the intestine was consid- ered in different way. This latter type of metastatic tumor has clinical significance, because it is much more amenable to some kind of surgical intervention than diffuae peritoneal involvement. An effort was made to analyze the clinical data concerning the secondary inteatinal tumors defined as above. The results were as follows; 1) Total ll cases met the criteria during a 13 year period from March 1972 to February 1984. 2) The primary neoplasm in 5 patients was chorioearcinoma; in 4, cervix ca.: 1, ovarian ca.; 1, anaplastic thyroid ca. 3) There is no charactaristic signs and symptoms peculiar to the secondary intestinal tumors, but history of previous malignant disease is strongly suggestive of this disease. 4) Jejunal bleeding appeared in all cases of choriocarcinoma. 5) More active surgical treatments are recommended in aecondary intestinal tumors.