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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 16(2); 1984 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1984;16(2): 255-263.
간담도 및 위장관계 악성종양의 면역성에 관한 임상적 연구
서준식, 이기형, 전정열
Clinical Evaluation of Immunoparameter Syudy between the Hepatobilary and Gastrointestinal Cancer
Joon Sik Suh, Kee Hyung Lee, Jung Youl Chun
The status of cell mediated immunity was studied with 130 patients of the hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal cancer prior to surgery. Each mean percentage of peripheral lymphocyte, T-subsets and B-lymphocyte was measured. Thus the results have been compared with hepatobiliary cancer, by means of TNM stage of stomach cancer and Duke's classification of colorectal cancer; Comparative study in each case has been evaluated on histopathological pattern. 1) The mean percentage of peripheral lymphocyte was inversely correlated with the progress of cancer. The peripheral lymphocyte count in stage IV was increased as compared to stage III in the stomach cancer. 2) The mean percentage of TG-cell was relatively decreased in all of cancer cases but statistically insignificant. 3) The mean percentage of T-lymphocyte was decreased but not correlated with the pragress of cancer. 4) The mean percentage of TM-cell waa significantly decreaaed in all of cancer cases and correlated with the progreas of cancer, 5) The mean percentage af B-cell wa decreased in the biliary cancer, increased in the pancreatic cancer, and others were not affected as compared to the control group.
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