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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 29(2); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1997;29(2): 332-339.
Comparison of Tropisetron with Ondansetron in the Prevention of Cisplatin-induced Nausea and Vomiting
Kyung Shick Lee, Ji Youn Han, Hanlim Moon, Bok Kun Lee, Seok Goo Cho, Jong Youl Jin, Young Sun Hong, Hoon Kyo Kim
1Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, the Catholic University of Korea, Korea.
2Catholic Cancer Center.
Tropisetron (Nabovan (R)) is a new specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonist with a long terminal half life in plasma and high bioavailability after oral intake. We compared the antiemetic effectiveness and tolerability of tropisetron with ondansetron in the highly emetogenic chemotherapy (including cisplatin > or =50 mg/m2).
Thirty-nine patients were administered in a randomized, multicenter, open, cross-over study and received either tropisetron plus dexamethasone (n=31) or ondansetron plus dexamethasone (n=34) during six days of two successive cycles of chemotherapy.
Total control of vomiting with either Ondansetron or tropisetron was 94.2 % vs 93.5 % in D1 (P=0.157); 90.6 % vs 93.1 % in D2 (P=0.18); 90.3 % vs 93.1 % in D3 (P=0.655); 96.4% vs 96.4 % in D4 (P=0.157); 96.4 % vs 100 % in D5 (P=0.317); 96.4 % vs 100% in D6, respectively. The duration of nausea showed significant decreasements in tropisetron at D5 and D6 (P=0.025, P=0.03, respectively), but the severity of nausea and performance status showed no significance. Headache and constipation were the most common side effects in both groups.
There was no significant difference in efficacy and tolerability between tropisetron and ondansetron in the cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
Key words: Nausea;Vomiting;Cisplatin;Tropisetron;Ondnasetron
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