Reclassfication of the medullary carcinoma using a strict histologic criteria and analysis of the clinical and pathological characteristics of the medullary carcinoma.
MATERIAL & METHODS: Thirty-seven cases of the breast carcinoma originally diagnosed as medullary carcinoma were reviewed. One to ten microscopic slides of each case were reexamined and reclassified using the strictly defined histologic criteria defined by Ridolfi et al. Tumors were excluded from the category of the typical medullary carcinoma (TMC) on the basis of presence of glandular features, focal marginal infiltrations, or sparse mononuclear infiltrations. Tumor with two or more atypical features, or extensive marginal infiltrations, no mononuclear cell infiltration and/or less than 75% syncytial growth were classified as infiltrating ductal carcinoma with medullary feature (IDC). A predominantly syncytial growth pattern (75% or more) was requisite for inclusion in both TMC and atypical medullary carcinomas (AMC).
Twenty-two tumors (60%) fulfilled the criteria for TMC, and 12 tumors (32%) were AMC and three tumors (8%) were IDC. TMC occupied 3.1% of breast cancer. The mean age of patients with TMC was 45.4+/-11.2 years and the average size of the tumor in TMC was slightly larger than that of breast cancer in general, although not statistically significant.
The frequency of lymph node metastasis in TMC was similar to breast cancer in general. Five year survival of patients with TMC was 95.5% which was significantly better than breast cancer in general.
The TMC occupied 3.1% of breast cancer. The mean age of patient, tumor size and lymphnode metastasis were not different from that of breast cancer but 5 years survival of patient with TMC was significantly better than breast cancer in general.