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Cancer Research and Treatment > Volume 34(4); 2002 > Article
Cancer Research and Treatment 2002;34(4): 284-288. doi: https://doi.org/10.4143/crt.2002.34.4.284
Treatment Outcome of Brain Metastasis after the Cranial Radiotherapy Followed by Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Its Prognostic Factors
Hak Jae Kim, Semie Hong, Suzy Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Il Han Kim, Charn Il Park, Sung Whan Ha, Hong Gyun Wu, Wee Saing Kang
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul NationalUniversity College of Medicine, Korea.
2Institute of Radiation Medicine, Medical Research Center,Seoul National University, Korea.
3Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University Collegeof Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: August 31, 2002.
To evaluate the effectiveness of whole brain radiotherapy followed by stereotactic radiotherapy for newly diagnosed brain metastasis.
Thirty-three metastatic brain tumors received radiotherapy to the whole brain and stereotactic radiotherapy in 25 patients. Lung carcinomas were the most common (17/25) primary tumor. The radiation dose was 30 to 40 Gy for the whole brain, with a 12 to 40 Gy boost to the metastatic foci. Survival and local control rates were determined, and the prognostic factors for survival were evaluated.
The overall median survival was 15 months and the actuarial survivals at 1- and 2-year were 67% and 31%, respectively. The local tumor control rate was 79%, with a median follow-up period of 9 months (2~36 months). The prognostic factors associated with survival were age, tumor size and the existence of active extracranial metastasis, with the performance status showing marginal significance. No acute or chronic complications were observed in the patients.
From our data, cranial radiotherapy followed by stereotactic radiotherapy was useful in the local control of metastatic tumors, and in the survival of patients with tumor factors, such as small size or the absence of extracranial tumor activity, and host factors, such as young age or good performance status.
Key words: Brain metastasis;Cranial radiotherapy;Stereotactic radiotherapy;Prognostic factor
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