Effectiveness and Safety of Clofarabine Monotherapy or Combination Treatment in Relapsed/Refractory Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Pragmatic, Non-interventional Study in Korea
Jung Yoon Choi, Che Ry Hong, Kyung Taek Hong, Hyoung Jin Kang, Seongkoo Kim, Jae Wook Lee, Pil Sang Jang, Nack-Gyun Chung, Bin Cho, Hyery Kim, Kyung-Nam Koh, Ho Joon Im, Jong Jin Seo, Seung Min Hahn, Jung Woo Han, Chuhl Joo Lyu, Eu Jeen Yang, Young Tak Lim, Keon Hee Yoo, Hong Hoe Koo, Hoon Kook, In Sang Jeon, Hana Cho, Hee Young Shin
Cancer Res Treat. 2021;53(4):1184-1194.   Published online 2021 Jan 4     DOI: https://doi.org/10.4143/crt.2020.289
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