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2 "Young Jun Lee"
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Oncologists’ Experience with Patients with Second Primary Cancer and the Attitudes toward Second Primary Cancer Screening: A Nationwide Survey
Dong Wook Shin, Juhee Cho, Hyung Kook Yang, So Young Kim, Boram Park, BeLong Cho, Hyung Jin Kim, Young Jun Lee, Deog-Yeon Jo, Jong Hyock Park
Cancer Res Treat. 2015;47(4):600-606.   Published online February 12, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Screening for second primary cancer (SPC) is one of the key components to survivorship care. We aim to evaluate the oncologists’ experience with SPCs and assess the current practice, perceived barriers, and recommendations related to SPC screening. Materials and Methods A nationwide survey was conducted with a representative sample of 496 Korean oncologists. A questionnaire based on the findings from our previous qualitative study was administered. Results More than three-fourths of oncologists (76.3%), who participated in the study, had experience with SPC patients. Over half of them (51.9%) stated that it was an embarrassing experience. While the current management practice for SPC varies, most oncologists (80.2%) agreed on the necessity in proactively providing information on SPC screening. A short consultation time (52.3%), lack of guidelines and evidence on SPC screening (47.7%), and patients’ lack of knowledge about SPCs (45.1%) or SPC screening (41.4%) were most frequently reported as barriers to providing appropriate care for managing SPC. Oncologists recommended the development of specific screening programs or guidelines in accordance to the type of primary cancer (65.9%), the development of an internal system for SPC screening within the hospital (59.7%) or systematic connection with the national cancer screening program (44.3%), and education of oncologists (41.4%) as well as patients (48.9%) regarding SPC screening. Conclusion Many oncologists reported the occurrence of SPC as an embarrassing experience. Given the variations in current practice and the lack of consensus, further studies are warranted to develop the optimal clinical strategy to provide SPC screening for cancer survivors.


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Using the Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction Program in Curative Resection of Gastric Cancer
Jeong Hun Lee, Woo Song Ha, Young Jun Lee, Su In Kwon, Soon Tae Park, Young Hyeon Cho, Young Jae Lee, Jin Yong Kwon, Byeong Gil Kang, Min Hwa Jeong, Sin Shon
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):623-631.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The gastric cancer is most frequent malignant disease in Korea. With increase of GNP and social welfare, lot of people pay attention to that. But many of gastric cancer patients who were diagnosed, are advanced -stage III or more- case and produces poor result of treatment. Nowadays many surgeons report that the resection of cancer mass and radical lymph node dissection, which called systematic lymph node dissection, can increase the longterm survival rate and curability of patients. For this purpose Maruyama and his colleagues made a program to predict the 5 year survival rate, cause of death, and the status of lymph node metastases. We put the basic datas of pateints in AGC into Maruyama's program and compare its result to final histologic reports. We would check sesitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive values between Maruyamas program and hitologic reports.
From Sep. 1995 to Sep. 1996, We operated 55 patients with gastric cancer with this program in GNUH. We checked the histopathologic reports and put the data into the prediction program. The datas were sex, age, maximal size of tumor, differentiation, gross type and location. We compared status of lymph node metastases, TNM stages between the reports of histopathology and that of predictive program.
In early stages the sensitivity and specificity of the program showed poor result but in advanced stages did not. The distribution of lymph node metastasis showed a same pattern. The patterns of perigastric lymph node metastasis were somewhat different according to the location of tumor. But its significance was not confirmed. We analysed the metastaic rate between lymph node groups and compared with the results between two reports. The sensitivity, and negative predictive value were 100% in each groups, and positive predictive value was also high.
The systematic lymph node dissection is an effective and safe procedure in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer. We suggest that the techniques should be standardized and popularized in Korea. This procedure will improve the survival rate of gastric cancer patients and decrease the local recurrence of gastric cancer.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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