A 43-year-old male presented with a painless left testicular mass. The pathologic diagnosis of the radical orchiectomy specimen was peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified (PTCL-u). According to the Ann Arbor staging system, his initial stage was III because of the right nasopharyngeal involvement. After first-line chemotherapy with four courses of the CHOP regimen and this was followed by involved-field radiotherapy, he achieved complete remission. Two months later, disease recurred to the left ciliary body of the left eye without evidence of involvement at other sites. Although the patient received intensive chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, he ultimately died of leptomeningeal seeding. Because both the central nervous system (CNS) and the orbit are sanctuary sites for chemotherapy, orbital infiltration of lymphoma should prompt physicians to evaluate involvement of the CNS and to consider performing prophylactic intrathecal chemotherapy as a treatment option.
The association between a multiple myeloma and a secondary solid tumor is not well established. Some reports showed an increased risk of secondary solid neoplasms in multiple myeloma patients, but others have not. Three cases of the synchronous occurrence of multiple myelomas and solid tumors, namely, a small cell carcinoma of the lung, an adenocarcinoma of the colon and a squamous carcinoma of the pyriform sinus were experienced at our hospital. Therefore, herein is reported the clinical courses and treatment results. The stage of multiple myeloma was Durie-Salmon stage I in all of three cases; therefore, the solid tumors were treated as a primary target because the prognosis of early stage multiple myeloma is generally better than that of advanced solid tumor, while a smoldering or stage I myeloma do not need primary therapy until progression of the multiple myeloma. Two patients died of their solid tumors, but one patient is alive.
Herein, a case of solitary, unilateral renal metastasis in a patient with curatively resected thoracic esophageal carcinoma, who achieved a pathological complete remission after neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy, is reported. The kidney is the 4th or 5th most common visceral metastasis site of a primary esophageal carcinoma. More than 50% of renal metastases typically show bilateral involvement. Solitary, unilateral renal metastasis is extremely rare. Renal metastases from a primary esophageal carcinoma are usually latent and its diagnosis is very unusual in a live patient. The solitary renal metastasis in this case was not accompanied by metastases to other sites. The value of a nephrectomy in solitary renal metastasis of esophageal cancer is not known due to the rarity of such cases. A nephrectomy could be justified in limited situations, such as with uncertainty of histological diagnosis, severe life-threatening hematuria, which cannot be controlled by embolization, or solitary renal metastasis with a long disease-free interval.