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Volume 29(6); December 1997
Original Articles
The Relationship between Radiation-induced Apoptosis and the Expression of Cytokines in the Small Intestine of Rats
Sung Sook Kim, Yeong Ju Woo, Jooryung Huh, Chung Sik Rhee, In Pyoi Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):921-929.
It is well recognized that apoptosis is important in embryonic development, homeostatic control of normal tissues, carcinogenesis, tumor development and cancer therapy. Several papers have been reported the phenomenon of radiation-induced apoptosis and suggested its potential relevance to cancer radiotherapy. It has been shown that apoptosis is regulated by various cytokines. But the relationship between radiation induced apoptosis and cytokines have not fully understood in detail, yet.
In this study, we performed to determine the role of cytokine in the radiation -induced apoptosis of rat's small intestine. The rats were divided into 6 groups according to the sacrifice day (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 days) after whole body irradiation with single dose of 8 Gy.
Radiation induced intestinal damage was noted from first day of radiation and the most active regeneration was seen in the groups of 5 days after radiation. Abundant apoptosis were observed in damaged crypts of small intestine 1 day after radiation. Afterwards, the number of apoptosis was gradually diminished, but the second peak of apoptosis was noted in 5 days after radiation. On immunohistochemical study, IL-1, and TNF were expressed 1 day after radiation, but not expressed after that. IL-6 was expressed with strong positivity in 1, 3 days after radiation.
A apoptosis seems to be the important mechanism of radiation induced small intestinal damage, and is possibly induced by the release of cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF, in view the simultaneously increased appearance of apoptosis and cytokines. The second peak of increased apoptosis is thought to be related to remodeling of active regenerative activity, and it is not associated with cytokine expression.
Characterization of Apoptotic Human Thymocytes
Heung Yeol Kim, Moon Kyu Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):930-943.
- No abstract available
Alteration of Oleate-Phospholipase D Activities in Some Cell Lines after Irradiation
Chul Yong Kim, Myung Un Choi, Myung Sun Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):944-953.
Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of terminal phosphate diester bond of glycerophopholipids to produce phosphatidic acid (PA). PLD plays an important role in signal transduction and is known to be involved closely in cancer promotion, inflammation, and other cell responses. In order to evaluate radiation effect in tumor cells, various cells were screened for PLD activities and examined their radiation effects on PLD following gamma- ray irradiation.
PLD activities in 19 species of cell were measured by radioactive isotope method with 1,2 - di [1-14C] phosphatidylcholine in the presence of oleate. Among the cell lines examined, VERO 76, L 1210 and P 388 were selected and examined for their effects of metal ions and agonists on PLD activities before and after irradiation by Co-60 teletheraphy unit.
The activities of oleate-PLD were observed in 11 species among 19 cell lines examined. VERO 76 and L 1210 cells showed that the PLD activity increased immediately after irradiation and reached to 150~200% of the control levels. The activation of PLD in response to gamma-ray was maximum at 20 Gy. In irradiated VERO 76, the stimulatory effect of Mg2+ was reduced and the activation of PLD by agonists in irradiated cells vary from those of the control cells.
The activation effect of irradiation on PLD activity observed strongly implies that the PLD activity is closely related to the phenomena of cell necrosis. Therefore the cell lines examined here could provide a good source for the study of radiobiology that cover from cell death to cancer promotion.
A Study on the Tropism of Epstein-Barr Virus
Choon Hae Chung, Mi Ja Lee, Ho Jong Jeon
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):954-964.
The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is associated with a variety of human lymphocytic and epithelial malignancies.
EBV is thought to display exclusive tropism for B lymphocytes, follicular dendritic cells, and pharyngeal epithelia via specific receptors (C3d receptors, CR2, CD21).
Recent evidence, however, challenged this belief. We designed this experiment to determine the incidence of EBV receptor in various malignant tumor cell lines and normal lymphocyte subsets.
We have examined the incidence of EBV receptor, CD21 on the 10 healthy adult peripheral blood (PB), 10 umbilical cord blood (CB), 4 immortalized lymphoblastoid B cells by EBV infection (CSUP-1, CSUP-2, CSUP-3, CSUP-4), 3 EBV-positive B cell lymphoma cell lines (Jiyoye, IM-9, PTLC-1), 1 EBV-negative B cell lymphoma cell line (JeKo-1), 3 T cell lymphoma and leukemia cell lines (CCRF-CEM, H9, CEM-CM3), one histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U-937) and 5 gastric cancer cell lines (KATO III, AGS, SNU-1, SNU-5, and SNU-16). EBV receptor, C3d receptor was identified by flow cytometry (FACSCalibur) using FITC-conjugated or PE-conjugated CD21 monoclonal antibody.
Also we investigated the expression of CD3, CD5, CD7, CD19, CD20, IgM, IgG, Ig and Ig by using FITC-conjugated or PE-conjugated monoclonal antibody, on above cell lines.
The expressions of CD21 molecule were 10.99 3.84% and 9.22 5.39% in adult PB lymphocytes and CB lymphocytes, respectively. The anti-human CD21 antibody was positive for CD19-positive or CD20-positive B lymphocytes. The CD3-positive or CD7-positive T lymphocytes were negative for anti-human CD21 antibody in PB and CB. But, CD21 antibody was weakly positive for CD5-positive lymphocytes.
EBV-positive cell lines expressed variable ranges from 0.9% to 5.2% for CD21 antigen, while EBV-negative lymphoma cell line, JeKo-1 expressed 5.5%. All T lymphoma and leukemia cell lines and gastric cancer cell lines did not express CD21 antigen. But U-937 expressed 14.4% for CD21 antigen.
These results suggested that the CD21 antigen was expressed in CD20 or CD19-positive mature B cells, CD5-dim positive lymphocytes, some EBV-positive and negative B cell lymphoma cell lines, and a histiocytic lymphoma cell line. Further evaluation on the nature of CD5-dim positive cells, which was expressing CD21 molecule, is revealed, especially in reference to EBV association in some peculiar subtypes of peripheral T cell lymphoma.
Effects of Lipid Soluble Components of Korean Red Ginseng on Proliferation and Cell Cycle Regulation Factors in Human Melanoma Cell Lines
Hye Jeong Kim, Joo Young Roh, Jong Ouck Choi, Sul Hee Park, In Sun Kim, Jeongwon Sohn, Chong Kun Ryu
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):965-976.
Growth inhibitory effects of lipid soluble components of the Korean red ginseng and the antineoplastic mechanism against human melanoma cell lines were investigated. To examine molecular mechanism of growth inhibitory effects of GX-PE, we analyzed the effect of GX-PE on cell cycle progression and expression of cell cycle regulatory factors such as retinoblastoma gene product (Rb), p27 (Kip1), p21 (WAF1), cdk2, cdk4 and cyclin D1 which are known to regulate cell cycle progression.
Petroleum ether extract of the Korean red ginseng (GX-PE) was added to cultures of three human melanoma cell lines, SK-MEL-1, SK-MEL-2, and SK-MEL-5.
Proliferation was measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation assay. Cell cycle and expression of cell cycle regulatory factors were analyzed by flow cytometry and Western blotting, respectively.
Growth of melanoma cells was inhibited by GX-PE in proportion to the concentration. GX-PE significantly inhibited cell cycle progression at G1 phase. GX-PE increased expression of negative cell cycle regulators, i.e., p27 (Kip1) in SK-MEL-2 and p21 (WAF1) and Rb in SK-MEL-1.
These results suggest that GX-PE inhibits proliferation of melanoma cells at a G1-S transition point of the cell cycle. The effect of GX-PE is most likely due to induction of negative cell cycle regulatory factors.
Differential Mucin Gene Expression Associated with Methotrexate Resistance of Human Colonic Adenocarcinoma Cell Line, HT29
Bong Hwa Lee, Young S Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):977-983.
In normal tissue, MUC2 mucin gene is expressed predominantly in goblet cells, while MUC3 is expressed in both goblet cells and columnar absorptive cells of small intestine and colon. MUC5 mucin genes are expressed predominantly in the surface epithelial cells, while MUC6 is expressed mainly in the mucus neck cells of gastric glands and pyloric glands of stomach. In this paper, we determined any changes of mucin in drug-resistant cell lines from those parental cells, and we evaluated the altered regulation of mucin production in drug-resistant cells.
In the study of 17 day postconfluent parental HT29 (HT29) and methotrexate-resistant HT29 (HT29-MTX) colon cancer cell lines were examined for the expression of MUC2, 3, 5 and 6 mucin polypeptide (apomucin) by Northern blot and slot blot analysis, and also by immunoblot analysis.
The level of MUC2 expression was unchanged, while there was increase in MUC3 expression in HT29-MTX compared to HT29. Interestingly there was a marked increase in the expression of MUC5 mRNA in HT29-MTX. The densitometric readings expressed as HT29-MTX/HT29 at 17th day after the cells were confluent are MUC2 (1.1), MUC3 (1.3), MUC5 (>70), MUC6 (1.0) with RNA slot blot. Immunoblot analysis was consistent with these data.
Marked induction in MUC5 but not MUC6 gastric mucin gene was found in MTX resistance in HT29 colon cancer cells. The possible biological consequences of altered regulation of mucin genes in drug resistant colon cancer cells require further investigation.
Prognostic Factors for Local Control and Survival in T1-T2 Glottic Cancer
Charn Il Park, Kyung Hwan Shin, Suk Won Park, Seong Soo Shin, Kwang Hyun Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):984-991.
To evaluate the efficacy of radiotherapy as the first treatment of T1-T2 golttic cancers, we analyzed survival rates, local control rates, and voice preservation rates retrospectively. Furthermore, prognostic factors potentially influencing local control and incidence of second primary tumors were analyzed.
One hundred patients with T1-T2 glottic cancer were irradiated between February 1989 and July 1991. Median follow-up time was 80 months. 1) Factors analyzed for each patient included age, stage, anterior commissure involvement, fraction size, field size, total dose and treatment time. 2) Survival analysis methods were employed to assess the effects of these factors in local control and survival rates. All patients received Co-60 irradiation, one daily fraction of 1.75~2.0 Gy to doses of 60~72 Gy.
The overall survival rate, disease free survival rate and cause specific survival rates for all patients at 5 year were 80.7%, 78.6% and 87.3%, respectively. The 5-year overall survival rates for patients with T1, 2 were 82.8% and 76.9%, respectively. Overall treatment time of 50 days or less was uniquely found to have superior impact on local control rate to that of more than 50 days in univariate prognostic factor analysis (p=0.0494), and showed statistical trend in multivariate analysis (p=0.0577).
Fourteen patients who had showed relapse after radiotherapy underwent salvage operation, among whom nine patients were cured. The 5-year local control rate for all patients after radiotherapy was 79% and ultimate local control rate was 87%. Voice preservation rate after radiotherapy and salvage operation was 87.6%. The second primary cancer developed in 9 patients (9%).
Radiotherapy which showed high survival rates and voice preservation rate proved to be the optimal initial treatment for patients with T1-T2 glottic cancer.
Prolongation of overall treatment should be avoided as the overall treatment was found to have a significant impact on the local control of tumor. The close follow-up and prevention should be needed to decrease the death rate by second primary tumor.
Linear Accelerator-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Acoustic Neurinomas
Hong Seok Jang, Sei Chul Yoon, Tae Suk Suh, Mi Ryeong Ryu, Yeon Shil Kim, Moon Chan Kim, Jun Ki Kang, Kyung Sub Shinn
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):992-999.
- No abstract available
Prognostic Factor Analysis of Small Cell Lung Cancer: Appropriateness of Two Staging System
Jae Jin Chang, Tae You Kim, Choon Taek Lee, Seung Mo Nam, Jae Hag Kim, Eun Jeong Song, Seong Hwan Kim, Bong Seog Kim, Baek Yeol Ryoo, Young Hyuck Im, Jhin Oh Lee, Tae Woong Kang, Yoon Koo Kang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1000-1010.
The two staging system, which divides the tumors into limited disease (LD) and extensive disease (ED) has been widely accepted as a major prognostic determinant in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). However this system has provoked several controversial issues in defining stage categories, for instance, ipsilateral pleural effusion as LD or ED. Furthermore, identification of favorable subgroups in the same stage has been recognized as an important factor to determine appropriate treatment strategies. In this study, we performed a retrospective analysis in an attempt to resolve the controversial issues about staging and identify the patient group with favorable prognosis based on this two staging system.
The clinical data of 233 patients with SCLC treated from 1990 to 1996 at Korea Cancer Center Hospital were retrospectively analyzed for this study. All patients were treated with chemotherapy containing cisplatin and/or radiotherapy. The independent prognostic factors for survival were identified by multivariate analysis using Cox's proportional hazards model.
Performance status (relative risk of death [RR]:2.89), number of metastasis (RR:2.2), response to treatment (RR:2.2) as well as stage (RR:1.77) were identified as independent prognostic factors for survival in patient with SCLC. The median survival of patients with ipsilateral pleural effusion (13 months) which was categorized as ED was similar to that of patients with contralateral mediastinal or supraclavicular lymph nodes (13.8 months) or other LD patients (13.7 months). This result suggests that ipsilateral pleural effusion should be categorized as LD. In LD, response to treatment was the only independent prognostic factor (RR:2.34) and thoracic radiotherapy moderately improved survival as compared with combination chemotherapy alone (17.7 months vs. 10.4 months, p=0.06). In ED, the patient group with a good performance status (ECOG 0-1), normal range of serum alkaline phophatase, and metastasis less than 2 sites showed significantly prolonged survival, comparing with other ED patients (11.2 months vs. 7.2 months, p=0.0001).
As a result of survival analysis, we confirmed independent prognostic factors such as stage and performance status in SCLC. We could recommend that LD category include patients with ipsilateral pleural effusion as well as those with contralateral lymphadenopathy. In ED, the survival in patients with favorable prognostic factors was comparable to LD, suggesting this patient group may be a candidate for aggressive therapy.
Combination Chemotherapy with Etoposide, Ifosfamide, and Cisplatin (VIP) in Small Cell Lung Cancer
Mi Young Park, Joon Yeon Won, Kyung Tae Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1011-1021.
A prospective phase II trial was conducted in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) to determine whether the response rate, duration of response, and overall survival can be improved by a combination chemotherapy with etoposide, ifosfamide, and cisplatin (VIP).
From May 1994 to April 1997, thirty-three previously untreated patients with SCLC received individualized treatment tailored to disease extent. Twenty-one patients with limited disease (LD) received six cycles of chemotherapy consisting of etoposide 120 mg/m2, ifosfamide 1,500 mg/m2, and cisplatin 25 mg/m2 all given intravenously on days 1, 3 and 5. Cycles were repeated every 3 weeks for six cycles. Thoracic radiotherapy was administered to 15 patients with LD of SCLC subsequently after initial two or three cycles of chemotherapy.
Prophylactic cranial irradiation was given to complete responders of SCLC. Chemotherapy alone was administered to 12 patients with extensive disease (ED) of SCLC.
Complete response (CR) rate was 51% (LD 67%, ED 25%) and overall response rate was 94% (LD 95%, ED 92, p=0.022). And the median duration of response of all patients was 8 months (11 months in LD, 6.5 months in ED, p=0.042). With a median follow-up period of 13 months (3+~36), the median survival of all patients was 12 months (16 months in LD, 9.5 months in ED, p=0.006), and the median disease-free survival (DFS) of 17 CR patients was 12 months.
Stage and performance status score were important prognostic factor, but sex, age, and LDH level did not affect the outcome significantly. Among 21 patients with LD, 15 patients received radiotherapy and 6 did not. The overall response rate of patients who received radiotherapy was significantly higher than that of patients who did not (p=0.045). But there were no significant differences in duration of response and OS between them (p=0.055, p=0.068, respectively). The major side effects (greater than grade 2 of WHO criteria) of evaluable 154 cycles of chemotherapy were alopecia (76%), nausea/vomiting (54%), leukopenia (27%), anemia (19%), and thrombocytopenia (15%).
VIP chemotherapy has produced a high complete remission rate and it is a safe and well-tolerated regimen in SCLC. However, compared to previous reports, it has not improved overall survival significantly. Further phase II and III studies are warranted to confirm the efficacy of VIP chemotherapy.
TGF-beta-1 Expression and p53 Mutation in Non-small Cell Carcinomas of the Lung
Han Kyeom Kim, Seol Hee Park, Young Soon Na, Yong Gu Kang, Young Sik Kim, Jung Ho Han, Mee Ja Park, Insun Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1022-1031.
TGF-beta-1 is actually a major growth inhibitor for most cell types. We assumed that the loss of TGF-beta-1 would be occurred during carcinogenesis of the lung. Also, the mutation and expression of p53 have been known to be major moleclar change of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. So, the relationship between the mutation of p53 and the expression of TGF-beta-1 in the non-small cell carcinomas were evaluated.
In 43 non-small cell carcinoma and normal tissue of the lung, their TGF-beta-1 mRNA were measured by RT-PCR and p53 was studied by SSCP and Western blotting assay.
p53 mutation rate in non-small cell carcinomas of the lung (48.4%) was much more frequent than the normal control group (14.3%). The expression rate of TGF-beta-1 in lung carcinomas, especially squamous cell carcinoma (71.4%), was much higher than the normal control group (42.9%). p53 mutation and TGF-beta-1 mRNA in the lung carcinomas were not strongly correlated.
It suggests that high expression rate of TGF-beta-1 and p53 mutation are associated with carcinogenesis of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. High expression rate of TGF-beta-1 in the lung carcinomas can be partly explained by the fact that TGF-beta-1 have capacity to control the production of many components of the extracellular matrix and enhance angiogenesis in favor of tumor growth despite of their inhibitory effects of cell growth. However, additional research is required to determine the exact role of TGF-beta-1 in carcinogenesis of the lung.
Increment of Telomerase Activity with Breast Cancer Progression
Kyu Hyun Park, Sun Young Rha, Tae Soo Kim, Byung Chan Lee, Sei Ho Park, Hyun Cheol Chung, Won Young Lee, Joo Hang Kim, Jae Kyung Roh, Kyong Sik Lee, Jin Sik Min, Byung Soo Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1032-1040.
We studied the telomerase activity in normal and cancer tissues of the breast and then compared it to the clinical parameters.
36 paired normal and cancerous breast tissues were assayed for telomerase activity by PCR-based TRAP assay (telomeric repeat amplification protocol). In 17 cancer tissues, flow cytometric analysis for S-phase fraction was done.
None of the normal breast tissue expressed telomerase activity while 23 out of 26 breast cancer tissue expressed telomerase activity (92%). Clinical parameters such as T-factor, tumor grade, hormone receptor expression, mitosis, S-phase fraction did not correlate with telomerase expression. However, telomerase acitvity increased with cancer progression such as; in a state of lymph node metastasis and in an advanced pathological stage.
Telomerase activity was expressed only from cancer tissues. And this expression increased with cancer progression suggesting a possible therapeutic target in breast cancer.
Lumpectomy with Axillary Dissection for Breast Cancer
Eil Sung Chang, Jin Sung Chang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1041-1048.
The study was to evaluate the various risk factors related to local recurrence and distant metastasis in early breast cancer treated by lumpectomy with axillary dissection MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty nine patients with early breast cancer were treated by lumpectomy with axillary dissection between January, 1990 and December, 1996. We analysed the risk factors such as age, tumor size, axillary lymph node metastasis, stage, pathologic classification and radiotherapy for local recurrence and distant metastasis RESULTS: The peak incidence was in the fifth decade (15 cases, 31%) and the average age was 47. The most common tumor size was 0~2 cm in 27 of 49 cases (55%). The preoperative chemotherapy was performed in 25 of 49 cases.
The axillary lymph node metastasis was absent in 41 of 49 cases (84%). The most common pathologic type was invasive ductal carcinoma (29 cases, 60%). The breast skin incision was performed with curvilinear incision in 40 cases (85%), radial incision in 7 cases (15%). The axillary skin incision was performed with seperated incision in 45 cases (96%), nonseperated incision in 2 cases (4%). The most common complication was wound seroma (6 cases, 12%). By the time of follow-up, crude local recurrence rate was 10% (5 out of 49 cases) and crude distant metastasis rate was 6% (3 out of 49 cases).
The factors such as age, tumor size, positive axillary nodes and stage were not statistically significantly related to local recurrence. Postoperative radiation therapy and preoperative chemotherapy were the significant factor related to local recurrence (2.6% for 39 cases with radiation therapy vs. 40.0% for 10 cases without radiation therapy, p<0.05; 0% for 25 cases with preoperative chemotherapy vs. 20.8% for 24 cases without preoperative chemotherapy, p<0.05).
Results of Postoperative Radiation Therapy in 77 Patients of Breast Cancer
Yeon Shil Kim, Hong Seok Jang, Mi Ryeong Ryu, Sung Hwan Kim, Sang Sul Chung, Sei Chul Yoon, In Chul Kim, Kyung Sub Shinn
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1049-1060.
This retrospective study was performed to evaluate the effect of postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy of breast cancer on survival, failure patterns and to identify unfavorable prognostic factors.
Seventy-seven patients were analysed retrospectively. Median follow up period was 72 months.
According to AJCC system, fifty-eight patients (75%) were advanced than Stage IIb. Among 77 patients, 66 patients (86%) received mastectomy and axillary LN dissection and the other 11 patients (14%) received partial mastectomy and axillary LN dissection. Postoperative radiation therapy with 6 MV X-ray was given to the chest wall and regional lymphatics with total dose of 50 to 55 Gy. Fifty-five patients (71%) received CMF or CAF chemotherapy prior to or after radiation therapy.
The 5 year and 10 year survival rate were 64.4% and 51.3%, respectively and 5 year and 10 year disease free survival rate were 57.6% and 47.5%, respectively. Median survival duration was 91 months. Of the 77 patients, 59 patients were evaluable for pattern of failure. Of these, eighteen patients (31%) failed. Initial failure pattern was as follow: 7 (12%) at locoregional, 3 (5%) in distant metastasis, 8 (14%) with locoregional and distant metastasis. But the pattern of final failure at the time of last follow up was contrasted. Distanf failure was the predominant pattern of failure with 29% of patients. Overall survival and disease free survival was significantly influenced by 6 factors with univariated analysis (p<0.05): AJC Stage, T stage, N Stage, number of involved axilliary LN, SCL LN mets, failure pattern. By multivariate analysis the survival difference continued to be significant in 3 factors : T stage, number of involved axillary LN, failure pattern.
These data demonstrate high locoregional control and survival rate using the combination of surgery and radiotherapy for the patients with locally advanced breast cancer. But predominant failure pattern was distant dissemination. Therefore more effective systemic therapy is needed to improve overall survival.
A Clinical Study of 500 Cases of Breast Cancer
In Sik Park, Ja Yun Koo, Hy De Lee, Woo Hee Jung
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1061-1068.
We investigated the clinical characteristics of breast cancers and its significance.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: We evaluated the clinical characteristics of 500 women with breast cancer who were diagnosed and treated by one surgeon between March 1991 and August 1996.
The median age was 46.7 years and the most common age group was 40's. The presenting symptoms for most patients were palpable mass (75.2%) followed by abnormal mammographic findings (8.4%), pain (6.3%) and nipple discharges (4.7%), and the duration of symptoms was less than 1 month in 41.4%. Fifty three percent of the 500 cases had T2 lesion (size; 2 to 5 cm). With the increase of tumor size, overall and disease free survival rates (OS, DFS) were decreased. Surgical treatment consisted of modified radical mastectomy (52.8%) and partial mastectomy (33.6%) The most common stage was II (42.3%) and the early breast cancer (stage 0, I, II) was 388cases (78.1%) and the stage were inversely correlated with DFS and OS. The positivity of axillary lymph node was 39.3% and the number of the metastatic lymph nodes was inversely correlated with DFS and OS. The pathologic types were infiltrating ductal carcinoma (83.0%), ductal carcinoma in situ (12.8%), infiltrating lobular carcinoma (1.2%), lobular carcinoma in situ (0.4%) and Paget's disease (2.0%). ER positivity was 48.9% and PR 46.9%. ER positive patients showed survival benefit compared to ER negative patients. The common sites of distant metastases were lung, bone and liver.
Our patients with breast cancer were younger than those of western and showed the impacts on survival according to the lymph node status,tumor size.
Clinicopathologic Features, Survival Rates and Prognostic Factors of Gastric Cancer in Young Age Group under 30 Years of Age
Dong Hyeon Jo, Soo Jin Kim, Joo Ho Lee, Hang Jong Yu, Han Kwang Yang, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1069-1075.
The purpose of this report is to clarify the clinicopathologic features, survival rates and prognostic factors of gastric cancers in young age group.
We reviewed 133 patients with gastric cancer under 30 years of age who underwent surgery from January 1986 to December 1995 at the Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital. We have analyzed the sex, age, Borrmann type, histologic differentiation, Lauren classification, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, location of tumor, size of tumor, curability and extent of operation. The 5 year survival rates and prognostic factors were also evaluated. The Kaplan-Meier method, Log-Rank test and Cox hazards proportional mode were used for the statistical analyses.
The overall 5 year survival rate was 55.3% in all 133 patients in contrast to 67.4% in 108 patients who underwent gastric resections. Significant prognostic factors were Borrmann type, histologic differentiation, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, location of tumor, size of tumor, curability and extent of operation in univariate analysis. Lymph node metastasis was the only significant independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis.
In our study, the 5 year survival rate in young age group was comparable to that of prevalent age group.
This is attributed to the relatively higher incidence of early gastric cancer and more frequent curative resections in this young age group.
Clinicopathologic Features and Prognosis of Gastric Remnant Cancer after Partial Gastrectomy for Benign and Malignant Gastric Lesions
Joo Ho Lee, Soo Jin Kim, Hang Jong Yu, Han Kwang Yang, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1076-1084.
Despite the decreasing incidence of primary gastric cancer, the incidence of gastric cancer in the remnant stomach has been increasing. This study evaluated the clinicopathologic features and prognosis of gastric cancer in the remnant stomach.
AND MATERIALS: The clinicopathologic features and prognosis of 31 cases of gastric cancers in the remnant stomach were evaluated retrospectively. 19 patients among them underwent partial gastrectomy for benign gastroduodenal disease (Group I), while 12 patients for malignant disease (Group II) which were detected at least 5 years after initial surgery and the clinicopathologic features and survival curves of two groups were compared. The clinicopathologic features evaluated included age, sex, interval between operations, type of operation, location of tumor, tumor size, Borrmann type, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, TNM stage, histologic differentiation and Lauren classification.
The median age was 59 years, 28 patients (90.3%) were male and median time interval between operations was 15 years. Group I gastric remnant cancers were detected late after initial gastrectomy and have a significant tendency toward lymph node metastasis. Resection was carried out in 25 patients (81.0%) in which 22 patient (71.0%) underwent resections with curative intent. The overall 5 year survival rate was 45.5% and no significant difference was observed between the survival curves for patients with group I and group II. Depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, tumor size and curability of operation have prognostic significance in univariate analysis and multivariate analysis performed with above 5 factors has revealed that depth of invasion is the only independent prognostic factor.
Both groups are similar in survival rate and clinicopathologic characteristics except time interval between operations and lymph node metastasis. Early detection by periodic endoscopic follow-up and radical resection is a reasonable policy as a treatment of gastric remnant cancer.
Characteristics and Prognosis in Gastric Cancer with Liver Metastasis
Seung Ki Kim, Sung Hoon Noh, Chang Hak Yoo, Yong Il Kim, Jin Sik Min, Kyong Sik Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1085-1093.
Until several years ago, gastric or hepatic resection was seldom indicated for metastatic gastric cancer because of the expected dismal prognosis. Recently, some studies have reported benefits from gastric or hepatic resection for metastatic gastric cancer. We performed this retrospective study to see the prognosis after aggressive surgery in gastric cancer patients with hepatic metastasis.
A total of 112 gastric cancer patients were confirmed to have liver metastasis at the time of initial surgery or preoperative evaluation during the 8-year period from January, 1987 to December, 1994 at the Department of Surgery, Yonsei University, College of Medicine. Thirty eight cases (33.9%) underwent gastrectomy (total gastrectomy: 15, subtotal gastrectomy: 23). Of these 38 cases, 12 underwent a combined resection of metastatic hepatic tumors (segmentectomy: 7, wedge resection: 3, lobectomy: 1 and enucleation: 1).
The locations of primary lesion were most common in the lower 1/3 of the stomach in all of the nonresected, the gastrectomy only, and the gastrectomy & hepatectomy group.
Most of the cancers belonged to Borrmann type III and IV.
Histologically, dedifferentiated cancer (poorly differentiated cancer, signet ring cell cancer, mucinous cancer) was more frequent in the nonresected group (67.4%) while differentiated cancer (papillary cancer, well differentiated cancer, moderately differentiated cancer) was more frequent in the resected group (60.9%). The number of metastatic hepatic nodules were less than two in the resected group and the location of metastatic lesions tended to be limited to one lobe. Concerning the prognosis, the mean survival of the resected group was better than the nonresected group (nonresected group: 8.4 months, gastrectomy only group: 18.4 months, gastrectomy & hepatectomy group: 35.5 months). The mean score of QOL (quality of life) according to Spitzer index was better in the resected group (nonresected group: 5.1, gastrectomy only group: 6.0, gastrectomy & hepatectomy group: 7.5).
Resection of both the primary gastric lesion and the metastatic hepatic lesion should be considered in selected cases to improve the survival and the quality of life in patients with hepatic metastasis.
Transhiatal Esophagectomy Using Laparoscope in Esophageal Cancer
Dong Heon Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1094-1099.
To remove the tumor and to restore continuity is very important in patients with esophageal cancer for cure of disease or palliation. To compare the outcome of Transhiatal Esophagectomy using Laparoscope (Lapa-THE), author`s modification of traditional tanshiatal esophagectomy, with that of transhiatal esophagectomy (THE).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The author performed THE in 10 cases with esophageal cancer and Lapa-THE in 5 cases with esophageal cancer from March 1992 to August 1996 in Department of Surgery, Pusan National University Hospital.
Of all 15 cases with esophageal cancer, 6 cases were occurred at 6th decade and 3 cases were occurred at 7th decade. The ratio of male to female was 4:1. The all 5 cases with Lapa-THE were mid-thoracic esophageal cancers. Of 10 cases with THE, the cancer occurred 2 cases in mid-thoracic esophagus, 4 cases in lower-thoracic esophagus and 4 cases in cardia portin. According to pathological type, the 12 cases were squamous cell carcinoma, 2 cases were adenocarcinoma, and 1 case was small cell carcinoma. Of all 10 cases with THE, the postoperative death was occurred in 1 case due to graft necrosis, other postoperative complications were occured in 5 cases, stenosis of anastomotic site in 3 cases, wound infection in 1 case and pleural effusion in 1case. In the cases with Lapa-THE, stenosis was occurred in 1 case, wound infection in 1 case and there was no postoperative death.
The Lapa-THE is comparable therapeutic technique with conventional THE for treatment of patient with esophsgeal cancer, especially it was useful in mid-thoracic esophageal cancer.
Clinical Study of Stage I Renal Cell Carcinoma
Heeyoul Kim, Won Hee Woo, Duk Kyo Kim, Sei Kyung Rho, Sun Ju Lee, Sung Goo Chang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1100-1105.
This study was attemped to investigate the prognostic factors for the outcome of stage I renal cell carcinoma after radical nephrectomy.
Twenty nine patients treated from 1984 to 1995 at Kyung Hee University Medical Center were studied retrospectively. All of them were diagnosed with pathologic Robson stage I renal cell carcinoma after radical nephrectomy.
Males were affected three times more frequently than females. The tumor was detected on the right kidney in 15 cases, and on the left in 14. Average follow up period was 36.6 months, average disease free interval was 29.4 months and median survival was 30 months. During the follow up, 9 patients (31.0%) expired due to liver and lung metastasis at postoperate 21.6 months on average. Eleven patients (37.9%) developed distant metastasis in the follow up. There was no local recurrence of tumor. Seventeen patients were diagnosed incidentally without clinical symptoms. In our retrospective study for stage I renal cell carcinoma, there were no predictive prognostic parameters for predicting the outcome of patients, except for the incidental diagnosis of the tumor.
These results suggest that incidental diagnosis of the tumor may be the most important prognostic factor for the outcome of stage I renal cell carcinoma. Although the patients were confirmed as stage I renal cell carcinoma pathologically after radical nephrectomy, close follow up is very important, because of high incidence of metastasis. We recommand that chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonogram and bone scan should be checked at 3 months interval for postoperative one year even though stage I renal cell carcinoma.
A Clinical Study on Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Jeon Ho Yang, Hyeon Soo Shin, Young Sik Jung, Jun Ho Whang, Dong Gun Shin, Sang Kyun Sohn, Kyu Bo Lee, Kee Suk Whang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1106-1113.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common form of leukemia in western countries but it has been reported rarely in Korea. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics, treatment responses and prognosis of the patients with CLL.
We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 17 patients with CLL diagnosed at the Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung & Kyungpook National University Hospital from Jan. 1986 to Mar. 1996.
There were 9 males and 8 females and the mean age was 55 years. The majority of patients had systemic symptoms (77%) and advanced clinical stage (Binet stage C, 70%) at the time of diagnosis. The bone marrow histology was reviewed in 13 cases and patients were subdivided into those with a diffuse (9cases) and nondiffuse (4cases) pattern of bone marrow histology. In patients with advanced clinical stage, diffuse pattern was predominated and showed poor survival. 14 patients were treated with chlorambucil/steroid or combination chemotherapy. Among the 13 evaluable patients, 1 (8%) achieved a complete response and 7 (54%) achieved partial responses, and median survival duration was 18months. 11 patients died after 2~18 months of follow-up and infection was the main cause of death.
Poor prognostic factors, such as high blood lymphocyte counts, diffuse bone marrow involvement pattern & advanced clinical stage, are common in our patients at presentation & showed poor survival.
Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Breast
Kyung Geun Lee, Kwang Man Lee, Ki Jung Yun
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1114-1118.
- The primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is an extremely rare neoplasm. The pathogenesis of the squamous cell carcinoma of the breast is puzzling because epithelial elements are not normally identified in breast tissue. It has been suggested that epithelial cells are derived from epidermoid cysts deposited during early embryological development, from metaplastic transformation of ductal cells, or after trauma or surgical manipulation. It must be carefully separated from lesions involving the epidermis and/or nipple region which must be considered as squamous carcinoma of the skin or dermal appendages. Also, it must be regarded as a separate entity distinct from adenocarcinoma of the breast with squamous cell metaplasia. We experienced a case of the primary squamous cell carcinoma and reported with a review the related literature briefly.
A Case of Malignant Chondroid Syringoma with Lung Metastasis
Duck Hee Kim, Chan Woo Lee, Kyung Hee Lee, Myung Soo Hyun
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(6):1119-1119.
- Malignant chondroid syringoma, previously called "mixed tumor of the skin of the salivary gland type"is a fairly uncommon type of sweat gland tumor. Malignant chondroid syringoma frequently arises from the trunk and extremities, whereas the benign tumor is common to the head region. The present case occurred in a female. The malignant nature of the tumor was evident from repeated recurrences after excision of the mass and histopathological study. Lack of response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy led to widespread metastasis. We report a case of malignant chondroid syringoma with lung metastasis in a 39-year-old female patient and response to chemotherapy. We also reviewed the literatures of malignant chondroid syringoma.