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Volume 29(4); August 1997
Original Articles
Expression of Rous Sarcoma Virus Enhancer Factor Gene in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Boo Ahn Shin, Kyung Kun Kim, Chol Kyoon Cho, Hyun Chul Lee, Jong Suk Oh, Joon Haeng Rhee, Mee Young Chang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):547-554.
We have previously cloned three enhancer factor genes encoding proteins that bind to long terminal repeats (LTRs) of Rous sarcoma virus. Among these genes, RSV- EF-I gene is expressed in rat hepatoma tissues and several proliferating cell lines but not in normal rat liver tissues. We have isolated the human homologue of RSV-EF-I gene and examined its expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues.
We have screened the human genomic library and cDNA library of Hep G2 cell line derived from human hepatocellular carcinoma to isolate the human homologue of RSV-EF-I gene.
We have isolated one cDNA clone containing about 1.5 kb insert and sequenced. Sequence analysis reveals that this human homologue of RSV-EF-I gene has a high similarities to human YB-1 mRNA, human DNA-binding protein B (dbpB) gene and other Y-box protein genes. It is expressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma but very slightly in normal human liver tissues in Northern blot analysis.
Our data suggest that the human homologue of RSV-EF-I gene presumably belongs to Y-box protein family genes and plays a role in the transformation of the human hepatoma cells.
Effects of Interleukin-2 Transduction into the Human Hepatoma Cell Lines Using Retroviral Vector
Soo Jung Gong, Nae Chun Yoo, Joo Hang Kim, Dong Hwan Shin, Hyo Dong Uhm, Sook Jung Jeong, Jae Yong Cho, Sun Young Rha, Yeon Soo Kim, Hyun Cheol Chung, Jae Kyung Roh, Jin Sik Min, Byung Soo Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):555-564.
We compared the differences between parent hepatoma cell lines and interleukin-2 (IL-2) transduced hepatoma cell lines using N2A/IL-2 and LNC/IL-2 retrovirus with regards to in vitro sensitivity to peripheral blood monocytes and in vivo tumorigenic activity.
Retroviral vector and producer cell line were constructed and IL-2 gene was transduced into the human hepatoma cell lines (SK-Hep1, Hep-G2, Hep-3B). IL-2 secretion after IL-2 transduction was measured by ELISA. MTT assay for in vitro sensitivity to peripheral blood monocytes was performed and the tumorigenic activity was observed in BALB/c mice and nude mice.
IL-2 secretion was 186 pg/10 degrees C cells/24 hrs in SK-Hep1 cell line and was 147 pg/10 (6) cells/24 hrs in Hep-3B cell line with N2A/IL-2 retroviral vector and was 55,000 pg/10 (6) cells/24 hrs with LNC/IL-2 retroviral vector. In vitro sensitivity to peripheral blood monocytes was increased by 163.8~254% in IL-2 transduced hepatoma cell lines (Hep -3B/N2A/IL-2, Hep-G2/N2A/IL-2) compared to those of the parent cell lines. The tumorigenicity was observed in 1 of 3 BALB/c mice and all 3 nude mice. Simultaneous injection of 1 X 10 (7) cells of the parent cell line (Hep-3B) into the right flank and IL-2 transduced cell line (Hep-3B/LNC/IL-2) into the left flank of the three BALB/c mice and of 5 X 10 (5) cells for the three nude mice resulted in a complete regression of the IL-2 modified tumor cell line (Hep-3B/LNC/IL-2) in 3 weeks and the parent cell line (Hep-3B) in 5 weeks. But, after the injection of 1.5 X 10 (7) cells for other five nude mice, the tumor of the IL-2 transduced hepatoma cell line (Hep-3B/LNC/IL-2) was gradually disappeared, and the tumor of the parent hepatoma cell line (Hep-3B) was initially decreased and then gradually regrew 20 days later.
IL-2 transduced hepatoma cell lines secreting IL-2 became more sensitive to peripheral blood monocytes and resulted in the increased antigenicity to the tumors formed by IL-2 transduced hepatoma cell line and parent cell line, and finally resulted in the regression of the tumors in experimental animals.
Limited Cytotoxic Effect of Adenoviral-mediated p53 Gene Transfer in Variable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Cell Lines
Jhingook Kim, Sook Hyun Lee, Eun Sung Hwang, Jong Sik Kim, Kwhanmien Kim, Je Ho Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):565-575.
Cancer gene therapeutic strategy using p53 tumor suppresser gene have been suggested to be effective in many solid tumors including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
To test generalized applicability, we tested a number of non-small cell lung cancer cell lines for their sensitivity to adenoviral-mediated wild-type p53 gene transfer.
Replication-incompetent recombinant adenovirus encoding wild- type p53 (Avp53) under the control of the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter was constructed and the cytotoxic effectiveness was evaluated in various NSCLC cell lines. Because 20 moi (multiplicity of infection; number of active virus particle/cell number) of Avp53 showed highly-effective cytotoxicity in p53-deleted cell lines (NCI-H1299, and NCI-H358), same amount was used for other cell lines.
Variable degree of cytotoxicity were observed in cell line with p53 mutation, but almost no effect were observed in those with will-type p53. Neither the infectivity of adenovirus, which was observed by x-gal stain after adenoviral mediated lac Z gene, nor the expression of p53 protein in infected cell, which was observed by western blot, was not the useful marker to expect the cytotoxic effect of Avp53. However, in responsive cell lines with Avp53, prominent expression of p21 protein, which was observed by western blot, was noticed.
In conclusion, adenoviral-mediated wild-type p53 transfer may not be applicable to every patient with non-small cell lung cancer, especially when the tumor has wild-type p53 gene. Better method to predict the effectiveness before application and strategy to widen the applicable extent is needed.
The Effect of Metallothionein on the Resistance to Cisplatin in Transfected Mouse NIH/3T3 Cells
Myung Hee Sohn, Jae Yong Kwak, Chang Yeol Yim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):576-583.
Metallothionein is an intracellular cystein-rich thiol-containing protein. Increased metallothionein content in tumor cells has been suggested to be a mechanism of resistance to cisplatin. In most of previous studies evaluating the role of metallothionein in cisplatin resistance, tumor cells were usually exposed to cadmium to increase metallothionein content. Therefore, cisplatin resistance of the cells may be related to cadmium exposure itself, which induces various changes in cell characteristics, but not to increased metallothionein content. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of metallothionein content alone in cellular resistance to cisplatin without exposure of cells to cadmium.
We measured the toxicity of cisplatin in mouse NIH/3T3 cells that vary in their content of metallothionein as a consequence of transfection with a plasmid that result in the constitutive expression of metallothionein. MT cells were derived from NIH/3T3 cells by transfection with a plasmid containing the genome of bovine papilloma virus and the mouse metallothionein-I, derived by the promoter for the glucose-regulated protein of 78kD.
Control cells were similary transfected with bovine papilloma virus-based plasmids with the gene for metallothionein inverted and thus separated from the promoter (TM), or deleted, along with promoter (BPA). The number of copies of the plasmid were similar in each kind of transfected cells. Expression of metallothionein required neither selection nor maintenance of cells in the presence of heavy metals.
Synthesis of metallothionein was 15-fold greater in the MT cells than in the TM or BPA cells. The concentration of cisplatin sufficient to reduce the cells per well by one-half (IC-50) was 0.40+/-0.075 uM in MT cells. In TM and BPA cells, it was 0.36 0.035 uM and 0.423+/-0.032 uM. There were no significant differences in IC-50 between three cell lines.
In spite of large differences between MT and control cells in their cellular content of metallothionein, no differences in resistance to cisplatin were observed.
Radiosensitivity in Acquired Cisplatin-Resistant Human Stomach Adenocarcinoma Cells
Woo Yoon Park, Weon Seon Hong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):584-589.
- No abstract available
p53 Gene Mutations in Astrtocytoma Detection by Direct DNA Sequencing
Won Hee Choi, Kyung Chan Choi, Je G Chi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):590-598.
Mutations in the p53 gene have been recognized in brain tumor, and clonal expansion of p53 mutant cells has been shown to be associated with glioma progression.
However, studies on the p53 gene have been limited by the need for fresh frozen tissues. We have tried a method utilizing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the direct DNA sequecing of the p53 gene using a single 10 m paraffin-embedded tissue section. We applied this method to detect for p53 gene mutations in exons 5~8 in human astrocytoma utilizing paraffin-embedded tissues.
Twenty paraffin blocks containing tumor were selected from surgical specimens from twenty different cases. Tumors included 10 astrocytomas and 10 anaplastic astrocytomas. Ten controls were also selected among autopsy cases showing normal brain in light microscopy. The tissue section on the stained glass slide was used to guide microdissection of an unstained adjacent tissue section to ensure above 90% of the tumor cell population for p53 mutational analysis.
Mutation in the p53 gene was identified in 1 of 10 (10%) anaplastic astrocytomas. Mutations in the p53 gene were identified in 1 of 10 cases (10%) by PCR and direct DNA sequencing. Mutation in exon 7 resulting in amino acid substitution was found in one anaplastic astrocytoma (codon 245, GGC-->GAC: glycine-->aspartic acid). Ten control cases, ten astrocytomas and nine anaplastic astrocytomas were confirmed to be negative by direct sequencing of amplified DNA.
This study demonstrates the feasibility of evaluating p53 gene mutations in archived astrocytoma specimens using PCR and direct DNA sequencing on paraffin sections. Application of this method should facilitate investigation of the role of p53 gene mutations in tumor biology.
Study of UV DNA Repair Endonucleases with Respect to Skin Cancers
Joon Kim, Yong Suk Nam, Young In Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):599-607.
- No abstract available
Phase III Randomized Trial of ACNU in Addition to Surgery and Radiotherapy for Patients with Supratentorial Malignant Gliomas
Hee Won Jung, Chang Wan Oh, Chun Kee Chung, Hee Jin Yang, Kil Soo Choi, Dae Hee Han, Je G Chi, Yung Jue Bang, Dae Seog Heo, Noe Kyeong Kim, Yoon Ok Ahn, Il Han Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):608-615.
- No abstract available
Comparison of Radiation Therapy and Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer
Gyu Taeg Lee, Jae Ho Byun, Kwon Hwangbo, Ji Oh Mok, Eun Seuk Kim, Jong Ho Won, Seung Ho Baick, Doo Ho Choi, Dae Sik Hong, Hee Sook Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):616-622.
In locally advanced head and neck cancer, radiation therapy is currently unsatisfactory because the end result is often limited regional disease control and survival. A clinical study was carried out to compare the effectiveness between the radiation therapy and the combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Thirty-six patients with previously untreated, locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were treated with radiotherapy alone and combined chemo-radiotherapy. Induction chemotherapy was administered 2~3 cycles, consisting of intravenous cisplatin (100 mg/m2 on day 1) and 5-fluorouracil (1000 mg/m2/day for 5 days as a continuous infusion) every 4 weeks followed by 7~8 weeks of radiation therapy for a total dose of 60~75 Gy.
RESULTS: 1) Among 36 locally advanced head and neck cancer, 17 patients received radiation therapy alone and 19 patients received combined chemo-radiotherapy, respectively. 2) Response rate was 47% (complete response 29%, and partial response 18%) in radiation therapy group and 79% (complete response 37%, and partial response 42%) in combined chemo-radiotherapy group (p<0.05). 3) In median survival, radiation therapy group was 13 months and combined chemo- radiotherapy group was 15 months. Both groups were not significantly different (p>0.05). 4) Treatment related mortality was not noted, but the toxic effects were seen on the half cases of the both groups. Grade II toxicities were similar between the two arms.
Combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy was more effective in local control but not superior in survival than radiation therapy alone. Continuous evaluation and identification of proper sequence for the therapeutic modality is supposed to prolong the survival of patients.
Using the Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction Program in Curative Resection of Gastric Cancer
Jeong Hun Lee, Woo Song Ha, Young Jun Lee, Su In Kwon, Soon Tae Park, Young Hyeon Cho, Young Jae Lee, Jin Yong Kwon, Byeong Gil Kang, Min Hwa Jeong, Sin Shon
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):623-631.
The gastric cancer is most frequent malignant disease in Korea. With increase of GNP and social welfare, lot of people pay attention to that. But many of gastric cancer patients who were diagnosed, are advanced -stage III or more- case and produces poor result of treatment.
Nowadays many surgeons report that the resection of cancer mass and radical lymph node dissection, which called systematic lymph node dissection, can increase the longterm survival rate and curability of patients. For this purpose Maruyama and his colleagues made a program to predict the 5 year survival rate, cause of death, and the status of lymph node metastases. We put the basic datas of pateints in AGC into Maruyama's program and compare its result to final histologic reports. We would check sesitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive values between Maruyamas program and hitologic reports.
From Sep. 1995 to Sep. 1996, We operated 55 patients with gastric cancer with this program in GNUH. We checked the histopathologic reports and put the data into the prediction program. The datas were sex, age, maximal size of tumor, differentiation, gross type and location. We compared status of lymph node metastases, TNM stages between the reports of histopathology and that of predictive program.
In early stages the sensitivity and specificity of the program showed poor result but in advanced stages did not. The distribution of lymph node metastasis showed a same pattern. The patterns of perigastric lymph node metastasis were somewhat different according to the location of tumor.
But its significance was not confirmed. We analysed the metastaic rate between lymph node groups and compared with the results between two reports. The sensitivity, and negative predictive value were 100% in each groups, and positive predictive value was also high.
The systematic lymph node dissection is an effective and safe procedure in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer. We suggest that the techniques should be standardized and popularized in Korea. This procedure will improve the survival rate of gastric cancer patients and decrease the local recurrence of gastric cancer.
Clinical Trial
Effects of Combined Splenectomy with Total Gastrectomy on the Prognosis in Gastric Cancer
Young Jae Mok, Seung Joo Kim, Gil Soo Son, Min Young Cho, Young Chul Kim, Sae Min Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):632-639.
This study was carried out to evaluate the impact of combined splenectomy with total gastrectomy on survival and postoperative morbidity in advanced gastric cancer.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 193 patients who underwent curative resection among 289 patients with total gastrectomy during the period of Sep.
1983 through Dec. 1995 at the Department of Surgery, Korea University Hospital.
Out of 11 clinicopathologic factors, 5 were associated with splenectomy through univariate analysis. The incidence of splenectomy increased when the patients with advanced gastric cancer had Borrmann type III, Gross T3 & T4 stage, greater than 4 cm of tumor size, Serosal invasion, or UICC stage IIIb, IV (p<0.05). Postoperative complication occurred more commonly in splenectomy group than in non-splenectomy group (20.2% vs 16.9%). The 5-year survival rate of Stage II was lower in splenectomy group than in non-splenectomy group (63.5% vs 83.5%) but that of Stage III was higher in splenectomy group than in non-splenectomy group (22.8% vs 17.3%), there was no significant difference between the survival rates across different stages.
We could not find any beneficial effect of splenectomy in gastric cancer patients who underwent curative total gastrectomy in this retrospective analysis.
There was no clinical evidence to support splenectomy as a general policy in patients with total gastrectomy. We conclude that the randomized prospective clinical trials using more precise criteria for the indication of splenectomy are needed in order to assess the beneficial effect of splenectomy.
Original Articles
Tumor Angiogenesis As a Predictor of Prognosis in Gastric Carcinoma
Seock Ah Im, Soon Nam Lee, Sung Sook Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):640-647.
Angiogenesis is an essential component of tumor growth and proven to be a prognostic factor in breast, cervix, prostate carcinoma and melanoma. This study was designed to define the relationship of microvessel density with overall survival, clinicopathologic data and with other reported prognostic factors in gastric carcinoma.
We studied resected tumor specimens from thirty-two patients with gastric carcinoma who underwent gastrectomy at Ewha Women's University Hospital from January, 1989 to December, 1991. Specimens were investigated by staining with a monoclonal antibody aganist factor VIII-related antigen, which was localized to vascular endothelium. Correlation between the microvessel count (X200), various clinicopathologic factors, EGFR and p53 were studied.
The microvessel count was increased with higher histologic staging. The microvessel count was significantly higher in group with lymph node metastasis than in those without lymph node metastasis (60.7 vs 27.4, p=0.02). In patients with high microvessel count (> or =30), overall survival time was shorter than in those with low count (<30), but insignificant statistically (p>0.05). The microvessel count was higher in group with recurrence than in those without recurrence (48.1 vs 33.2, p=0.05).
Microvessel count may be a prognostic indicator in gastric carcinoma but larger scale study should be followed.
Effect of Paclitaxol, Cisplatin, and 5-Flurouracil Chemotherapy in Advanced Stomach Cancer
Yeul Hong Kim, Sang Won Shin, Byung Soo Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Jong Kuk Kim, Young Jae Mok, Jong Suk Kim, Chi Wook Song, Ho Sang Ryu, Jun Suk Kim, Jin Hai Hyun
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):648-655.
Paclitaxel has not been used widely in gastrointestinal cancers. However, a recent phase II report of paclitaxel in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma has suggested a possible role of paclitaxel for the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma. A phase II trial was initiated to determine the clinical utility of a 3 drug combination (paclitaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil) in patients with advanced gastric carcinoma.
Eligibility included biopsy-proven inoperable or relapsed adenocarcinoma of the stomach with adequate bone marrow, hepatic, and renal function. Patients received paclitaxel at 175 mg/m2 (3 hour infusion) on day 1 followed by cisplatin at 20 mg/m2/day infusion and 5-fluorouracil at 750 mg/m2/day continuous infusion for 5 days. Treatment has been repeated in every 4 weeks. Total 31 patients were enrolled; 7 had relapsed disease after resection and 5-fluorouracil based adjuvant chemotherapy, 5 had previous chemotherapy. Twenty-one patients had measurable disease and 9 were evaluable. Demographics included; median age, 47 years (range, 27~64 years); male: female, 21: 10; median performance status 2 (range, 0~4).
Major responses occurred in 16/30 (53%; 95% confidence interval, 35~71%) patients (2 complete responses, 14 partial responses); 13 of 21 (61.9%) patients with measurable disease and 3 of 9 (33%) evaluable patients.
Median response duration was 17 weeks (range, 8~44+ weeks) and median time to progression was 20 weeks (range, 8~51+ weeks). Median survival was 27 weeks (range, 8~72+ weeks).
WHO grade 3~4 toxicities included: neutropenia (61.9%), nausea/vomiting (23.8%), mucositis (19%), and diarrhea (9.5%). Grade 2~3 neurotoxicity, fluid retention syndrome, hypersensitive reaction had occurred in 6, 2, and 1 patients, respectively. There was 1 instance of treatment-related death due to sepsis.
This regimen was highly active in advanced gastric carcinoma and had moderate toxicity. However, the response duration was short like other regimens. Considering poor performance status of our patients, this regimen may have strong potential in the neoadjuvant setting.
The Detection of the Heat Production in Breast Cancer
Hyeon Woong Choi, Dong Wha Lee, Hyun Ae Lee, Wook Park, Min Hyuk Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):656-662.
It is known that heat production in breast cancer is caused by hypermetabolism, hypervascularization and hyperperfusion in the affected regions of the breast. The object of this study is to detect the heat production in breast cancer of Korean women.
240 patients with breast cancer and benign mass were examined by digital infrared thermographic system from January 1991 through December 1995. The heat production was detected when there was a hot spot on clinically palpable breast mass area on the breast thermogram.
Of the 240 patients, 130 with breast cancer and 110 with benign mass, as control group. 118 (90.8%) of 130 patients with breast cancer had the heat production, but only 12 (10.9%) of 110 patients with benign mass had the heat production (p<0.0001). The sensitivity of breast thermogram was 90.8% and the specificity was 89.1%. 16 (64%) of 25 breast cancer of which size was smaller than 2 cm had the heat production. But all of 45 breast cancer of which size was larger than 4 cm had the heat production (p<0.0001). 103 (79.2%) of breast cancer had greater than 2degrees C in thermal difference (delta T), and 120 (92.3%) had greater than 1degrees C.
We conclude that there is heat production in breast cancer. And also the heat production in breast cancer could be detected by the breast thermography. We suggest that further studies of mechanism about heat production in breast cancer is necessary.
Pronostic Value of The Expression of Mutant p53 and EGFR mRNA in Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
Bong Ryoul Oh, Jae Hong Sim, Chang Soo Park, Soo Bang Ryu, Yang Il Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):663-672.
We evaluated the correlation between the clinical outcome and the expression of p53 protein and EGFR mRNA in bladder cancer.
Sixty seven patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (40 patients with superficial cancer and 27 patients with invasive cancer) and 10 persons with normal urothelium were included in our study. We examined the overexpression of p53 protein by immunohistochemical analysis and EGFR by in situ mRNA hybridization. Both expression were compared with the known factors of prognosis.
Mutant p53 protein was overexpressed in 43.3% of transitional cell carcinoma cases and undetectable in normal urothelium. The positive staining of EGFR mRNA was observed in 30% of normal urothelium and 100% of transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. p53 overexpression was related to the degree of differentiation, but not with the stage and the recurrence of superficial cancers. Progression to invasive cancer occurred in 4 patients with superficial cancer and all of them showed p53 protein overexpression, which had statistical significance (P<0.05). p53 positivity in invasive cancer was not related to the poor survival and strong expression of EGFR mRNA. The positive staining of EGFR mRNA was also not related to stage, grade, recurrence and survival. When we combined positivity of p53 and EGFR mRNA, we observed that the subset of patients with strong expression of EGFR mRNA and positive expression of p53 also had no different survival.
These results suggest that mutant p53 protein does not seem to be a prognostic marker for the recurrence of superficial cancer and survival but may be a marker for progression of superficial cancer to invasive cancer.
Glutathione S-Transferase Polymorphisms and Genetic Susceptibility to Cervical Cancer
Jin Woo Kim, Chun Geun Lee, Yeo Won Sohn, Hong Ki Min, Su Mi Han, Eun Young Cho, Kyung Sook Kim, Jin Woong Shin, Sa Jin Kim, Tae Chul Park, Joon Mo Lee, Sung Eun Namkoong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):673-680.
The identification of genetic traits that predispose individuals to environmentally induced cancers is one of the challanges in the assessment of individual cancer risk. The genetically determined differences in metabolism, related to glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) have been reported to be associated with various cancer susceptibility. The present study was set up to establish the frequencies of the polymorphic genotypes of two GST (GST- mu and GST-theta) isozymes in Korea, to evaluate a possible increased incidence of the genotypes associated with higher cervical cancer risks among Korean cervical cancer patients.
In this study, extracted DNAs from cervical cancer patients (228 for GST-mu and 241 for GST-theta genotypes) and normal controls (360 for GST-mu and 353 for GST-theta genotypes) were analysed with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
The overall genotype distribution of the GST-theta polymorphisms was not statistically different between the patients and control groups. But, in the GST-mu null genotypes, there were remarkable differences between patients and control groups when the cervical cancer patients were devided into subgroups with respect to the age. The frequency of GST-mu null polymorphisms in the cervical cancer patients under the 40 years old was significantly higher compared to the patients above the 40 years old (0.01CONCLUSION
These results strongly suggest that individuals carrying GST-mu (null) alleles are genetically susceptible to cervical cancer which develops before 40 years of age and GST-mu null genotype may play a some role in cervical cancer progression.
Type IV Collagen and E-cadherin Expression of Progressive Uterine Cervical Epithelial Lesions
Mee Young Sol, Jee Yeon Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):681-689.
This study was designed to evaluate the role and the value as progression markers, of type IV collagen and E-cadherin in the pathogenesis of progressive uterine cervical epithelial lesions.
Materials examined were 4 cases of normal exocervical squamous epithelium, 9 of endocervical squamous metaplasias, 2 of mild dysplasias, 8 of moderate dysplasias, 15 of severe dysplasias, 12 of carcinoma in situ, 7 of microinvasive squamous cell carcinomas, and 4 cases of invasive squamous cell carcinomas. All of them were biopsied ones and products of conization and hysterectomy.
The expression of type IV collagen and E-cadherin in uterine cervical epithelial lesions were studied by immunohistochemical method using monoclonal antibodies to type IV collagen and E-cadherin.
The expression of type IV collagen decreased relatively stepwise from squamous metaplasias to cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN) and subsequently to invasive carcinomas. The expression of type IV collagen in normal uterine exocervical squamous epithelium was within normal range in contrast to variable expression in squamous metaplasia. There was no definite difference in expression pattern between early invasive carcinoma and advanced invasive carcinomas. Normal and squamous metaplastic epithelium of uterine cervix revealed membranous expression of E-cadherin and cervical intraepithelial lesions showed cytoplasmic expression or negative expression instead of membranous expression. There was clearcut difference in E-cadherin expression between normal or metaplastic epithelium and neoplastic lesions.
The change of type IV collagen expression could be an early marker in the progression of uterine cervical epithelial lesions from normal epithelium. And the loss of differentiaton and polarity and the deranged expression of E-cadherin are closely correlated on the basis of the result that the changed expression of E-cadherin was evident in the stage of transition from normal to neoplastic lesions.
Effect of Granisetron Plus Dexamethasone in the Prevention of Delayed Nausea and Vomiting
Jeong Woo Shim, Yong Seop Lee, Heung Up Kim, Geong Won Jung, Yeong Ho Park, Se Ho Chang, Jin Yong Whang, Jeong Soon Jang, Jong Seok Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):690-699.
Granisetron, a new 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, was reported as a highly effective antiemetics, especially in combination with dexamethasone, in the prevention of acute emesis induced by cisplatin. But there is lack of data about effectiveness in the prevention of delayed emesis. In this study, the efficacy of granisetron plus dexamethasone in the prevention of delayed emesis induced by cisplatin was evaluated.
Sixty-four patients who were to receive high-dose cisplatin containing chemotherapy regimen were enrolled in this study. They were received 20 mg of dexamethasone and 3 mg of granisetron at 30 min and 10 minutes prior to cisplatin infusion, respectively. They were monitored for 5 days, first 24 hours for acute nausea/ vomiting and the subsequent 4 days for delayed nausea/vomiting. Antiemetic effect of granisetron was evaluated according to the criteria of Italian Group of Antiemetic Research.
Control of delayed nausea and vomiting was achieved in 58% and 84%, respectively. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status was a statistically significant prognostic factor for control of acute vomiting and delayed nausea/vomiting. There were no stastically significant differences between control of delayed nausea/ vomiting and other prognostic factors, including sex, age, and prior history of cisplatin therapy. The antiemetic effect was greater in the patients who had controled acute nausea/ vomiting than those who had not.
Granisetron plus dexamethasone is an excellent regimen in the control of not only acute emesis but also delayed emesis induced by high-dose cisplatin chemotherapy.
Stability of Cisplatin and Etoposide in Normal Solution
Sang Cheul Oh, Young Mi Kim, Young Inn You, Song Ja Jo, Byung Soo Kim, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Jun Suk Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):700-705.
The cisplatin and etoposide had been reported to be an effective anti-tumor drug for small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and so on. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of cisplatin and etoposide in aqueous solution.
Cisplatin 200 microgram/ml was prepared in 0.9% sodium chloride and stored in either glass bottle or polyvinyl chloride (pvc) bag and protected from light or exposed to fluorescent light. Etoposide solution was prepared in 0.9% sodium chloride, and contained in glass bottle. Precipitating concentration was achieved using 200 microgram/ml, 400microgram/ml, 600 microgram/ml, and 1000 microgram/ml of etoposide solution. Samples were stored at room temperature and visually inspected and assayed for etoposide and cisplatin content by high-performance liquid chromatography after 15 minutes, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of storage.
1) Cisplatin concentration decreased less than 10% from initial concentration for 24 hours of storage, both in glass bottle and pvc bag. Stability of cisplatin 200 microgram/ml in both container were not different. and Condition of light exposure did not have significant effect on stability of cisplatin 200 microgram/ml in glass bottle.
2) The etoposide 200 microgram/ml was not precipitated and stable for 24 hours, but we could find the precipitates of etoposide with the concentration of 400 microgram/ml or higher for 24 hours.
Cisplatin 200 microgram/ml and etoposide 200 microgram/ml in 0.9% sodium chloride were stable at room temperature under room fluorescent light for 24 hours.
A Case of Metastatic Epididymal and the Other Metastatic Testicular Carcinoma from Sigmoid Carcinoma
Yon Sil Jung, Dong Kyeong Yang, Pill Woon Kim, Chan Il Moon, Seung Won Lee, Hyeon Gyoo Ji, Ji Ho Choi, Jae Hun Lee, Dong Bok Shin, Seung Phil Cho, Jeong Cheol Yoon
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(4):706-706.
- Metastatic tumor of the epididymis is a rare tumor. There are around 31 cases in the literature until now. The primary tumor was from the prostate in 18 cases, large and small intestine in 6 cases, kidney in 4 cases, stomach in 2 cases and pancreas in 1 case. We recently experienced a case of metastatic carcinoma to the epididymis from a primary cancer in the sigmoid colon and the other case of metastatic carcinoma to the testis and the liver from a sigmoid adenocarcinoma.