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Volume 21(2); 1989
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Original Articles
T - cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement in Human T - cell Lymphoid Malignancies
Seong Hoe Park, Hyung Geun Song, Chul Woo Kim, Je Geun Chi, Sang Kook Lee, Kyu Won Kim, Myoung Hee Park, Yung Jue Bang, Noe Kyeong Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):233-241.
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We describe here the use of the southern blot hybridization technique to diagnose T-cell lymphoid malignancies by detecting clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangements. DNA was isolated from human T-cell leukemia cell lines, peripheral blood or bone marrow cells of various leukemia patients and lymph nodes of malignant lymphoma patients, and analyzed for the presence of rearranged T-cell receptor genes, using radiolabeled T-cell recptor cDNA as probes. Among the specimen examined, clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangements were found only in human T-cell leukemia cell lines and leukemic cells from T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, not in non T-cell tumor cell ines, B cell lymphomas, and other types of leukemic cells from leukmia patients. These cells were checked with panels of monoclonal antibodies detecting T-cell, B-cell and other types of hematopoietic cells. Our studies indicate that detection of T-cell receptor gene rearrangement is a valuable methad for T-cell lineage specificity and clonal T-cell proliferation.
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Incidence Estimation of Primary Liver Cancer among Koreans@
Yoon Ok Ahn, Byung Joo Park, Byung Joo Park, Hyo Suk Lee, Chung Yong Kim, Takao Shigematsu
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):241-249.
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Medical records of the inpatients with diagnosis of either ICD-9 155, or 197, or 211 in the claims sent by medical care institutions to the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation(KMIC) during the period from January I, 1986 to December 31, 1987 were abstracted in order to identify and confirm the new cases of primary liver cancer (PLCA) among the beneficiaries of the KMIC. Using these data from the KMIC, the incidence of PLCA among Koreans was estimated as of July I, 1986 June 30, 1987. The crude rates are estimated to be 20 7 and 6.2 per 100,000 in male and female, respectively. And the cumulative rates for the age spans (I-64 and 0-74 in male are 2 55% and 3. 56%;, respectively. In female they are 0.53% and 0.91%. The adjusted rates for the world population are 30.5 in male and 7.6 in female, which are very similar to those of Osaka in Japan and of Shanghai in China. However, the truncated rates for the age group of 35-64 years old are 74. 8 in male and 15. 6 in female, which may be the highest in the world. Among Koreans in Korea increased risk of PLCA in the middle age is the notable finding. Etiologic implication of environmental exogenous factors on PLCA and need for further etiologic studies are mentioned.
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Studies on Antitumor Constituents of Stropharia rugosoannulata
Byong Kak Kim, Uhna Sung, Eung Chil Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):249-262.
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To find physiologically active components of Korean higher fungi, high molecular weight fractions of the water extract of the cultured mycelia of Stropharia rugosoannulata were subjected to antitumor test against sarcoma 180 cells implanted in ICR mice. The partially purified fraction, Fraction A, was further purified by DEAE Sephadex A-25 column chromatography and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration chromatography. Fraction A inhibited the tumor growth at the ratio af 56.80% at a dose of 20 mg/ kg/day. It contained 22.73% polysaccharide and 30.30g protein. The polysaccharide moiety consisted of glucose, mannose, galactose, xylose and fucose. The protein moiety contained 17 amino acids, including aspartic and glutamic acids. When Fraction A was examined for immunological activity to elucidate mechanisms of its antitumor activity, it increased peritoneal exudate cells including macrophages, lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leucocytes after 24 hours. It increased the number of hemolytic plaque-forming cells 22 times to that of the control group.
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Expression of Cellular Oncogenes in Korean Gastric Adenocarcinomas
Hae Keun Yoon, Jin Pok Kim, Jeong Sun Seo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):269-290.
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All of oncogenes was first described as part of the genome of RNA tumor viruses and were subsequently shown to be of cellular origin. These genes termed cellular oncogenes (c-onc)-appear to have been the evolutionary progenitors of viral oncogenes. It is strongly suggested that cellular oncogenes may possess an oncogenic potential. It is important to elucidate which and how cellular oncogenes can be activated for specific tissue types of human tumors. Transforming genes in human bladder cell lines have been identified as the c-onc genes known as c-Ha-ras and c-Ki-ras of point mutation type. Recently it was found that, 10% (detection rate) of fresh human bladder tumors are related to point mutation. Therefore considering the multistep carcinogenesis in human tumor in vivo, it seems to be very important to assess the expression level of multiple c-onc genes in freshly obtained human tumor tissues. We investigated the level of gene expression of 5 c-oncogenes (c-Hr-ras, c-Ki-ras, c-myc, c-myb and r.-fps) in 17 cases of gastric adenocarcinomas (stage II: 4 cases, stage Ill: 13 cases). DNA probes using for DNA-RNA hybridization technique were all cellular oncogenes except ras-Ki-gene (v-ras Ki). The results are summarized as follows: 1) Some of gastric adenocarcinomas showed the increased expression of cfps and c-myc (10 of 17 cases, and 9 of 17 cases, respectively). Signet ring cell type of adenocarcinoms showed the high expression of c-Ha-ras. 2) The other two oncogenes, c-Ki-ras and c-myb were expressed very infrequently in the gastric adenocarcinomas. 3) The coincidence of expression of two oncogenes, such as c-myc and cfps was found in 9 of 10 cases. 4) The regional lymph node metastasis rate was below 5g in gastric adenocarcinoma cases with high expression of c-fps and c-myc (5 out of 6). 5) There is a slight decreasing tendency in cfps and c-myc expression rates from Borrmann type I to type IV. 6) There is no significant difference in c-myc and c-fps expression levels and rates between intestinal type and diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma classfied by Lauren's method.
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Expression of Celluar Oncogenes in the 3'-Methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene Induced Cholangiocarcinoma in Rat
Yung Jue Bang, Noe Kyeong Kim, Yong Il Kim, Jeong Sun Seo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):290-304.
AbstractAbstract PDF
To find out the roll of cellular oncogenes in 3'-methyl-4-dimethyl-aminoazobenzene (MeDAB)- induced carcinogenesis in rat, an experimental study was made using Sprague-Dawley rat. In additirm, to explore whether selenium could prevent the development of cancer in this model, selenium was also given. The resuits were as follow.. 1) Histnpathologic changes were proliferation of ovalocytes, proliferation of bile ducts, cholan- giodysplasia, and cholangiocarcinoma in sequence. 2) Induced carcinomas were all cholangiocarcinoma, but one case also showed the foci of hepatoceiluiar carcinoma and another one the foci of mixed tumor. 3) Selenium did not show the preventive effect on the development of cholangiocarcinoma induced by MeDAB. 4) One case with normal histology showed the elevated expression of 5 cellular oncogenes, namely H-ras. IC-ras, myc, fps, and myb. 5) Casec with cholangiodysplasia also showed the enhanced expression of cellular rmcogenes. 6) Four weeks after the cessation of the administration of MeDAB, 2 cases with the cholangiodys plasia did not show the elevated expression of any cellular oncogene, but 4 cases with cholangiocarcinoma showed the enhanced expression offps and/or myc, suggesting the important role of these two oncogenes in the final development of cholangiocarcinoma.
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Changes of Glutathione S - Transferase in the Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tissues and the Experimental hepatic Hyperplastic Nodules
Jung Kee Chung, Sang Chul Park, Soo Tae Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):304-317.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a conjugation enzyme in the metabolism of exogenous and endi!genous lipophilic compounds for their excretion and detoxification. Acidic isozyme of GST-P, has been recognized as a preneoplastic marker in the experimental hyperplastic nodules of rats. However, the role of the human counterpart GST-π, needs to be elucidated yet. In the present study, the activities of GST and the expression of GST-π were monitored in the human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCCl tissues in comparison with those of normal control tissues. The activities of the cytosolic GST in human HCC tissue were lower than those in the control liver tiscues (p<0.01), while the amount of GST-π measured by ELISA was higher in the human HCC tissues. And the Western blat analysis revealed that GST-π was expressed only in the human HCC tissues. In Sprague Dawley rat hepatocarcinogenic model after Solt and Farber, the activities of cytosolic GST in the liver tissues were shown to be increased in the time function after carcinogen treatment in parallel with the increase of GST-P expressian. Moreover the hyperplastic nodules of rat fiver tissues were identified as GST-P positive foci immunohistochemically. In conclusion, the expression of GST-π in human HCC tissues and of GST-P in the hyperplastic nodules of rat hepatocarcinogenic model, indicates its possible role as a preneoplastic or neoplastic marker either in the experimental cancer model or in the human cancer tissues.
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An Autoradiographic Study on the Progress of 1 , 2-Dimethylhydrazine - Induced Colonic Carcinogenesis in Rats
Jin Cheon Kim, Hye Sung Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):317-328.
AbstractAbstract PDF
1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced colonic carcinogenesis was performed to examine colsely the preneoplastic changes and progress of colonic carcinoma in rats. Rats were grouped into 5 by differences of chow in their properties of cellulose-composition. For the purpose of reducing the artificial errors, the metabvlic and energy balances among groups were homogenized by the control of metabolic energy and fixation of several nutrients of chow significantly affecting colonic carcinogenesis. At the same time, low-dose and high-frequency injection of DMH was applied for the approximation of natural carcinogenesis. The results were analysed by autoradiography using tritiated thymidine on 18 weeks after start of l)K1H-injection. As compared to the controi, 2 to 27 fold-increase of crypt height, labeled cells, and labeling index were identified in the l)MH-injected. The loss of body weight as well as these findings of significant increase in hyperplastic celis should reveal the preneoplastic changes during that period. Among the cloinic segments, the labeling results showed the highest in the ascending colon and it coincided with thc highest incidence of adenocarcinomn in the same segment. The distributing pattern of labeled cells showed that the lower 1/3 predominated over the middle and upper 1/3 with significant difference, in other words. downward migratory pattern was found. De novo formation rif colonic carcinoma in DMH-induced culonic carcinogenesis in rats was highly suspected clue tv clownward migratory pattern of labeled cells and no adenoma-carcinoma sequence in uur histopathologic results. Incidcnce of colonic adenocarcinoma reduced significantly in the group fed on 20%-cellulose containing group compared to the non-fiber group and the lowest labeling in the 5%-cellulose group might be due to the protective effects of cellulose.
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Comparative Study on In Vitro Biological Activity of Human Natural and Recombinant Interleukin 2 ( IL 2 )
Sang Yun Nam, Jai Kyung Park, Kyung Soo Hahm, Kyu Chul Choeh, Youn Mun Ha, Moon Hee Han, Yun Tai Lee, Yong Mook Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):328-339.
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Recently some authers af us have described successful production of human recombinant interleu- kin 2 (rlL 2). In concideration of future application in vitro and in vivo of rIL 2, this study was carried out in an attempt to confirm the biological activities of the rIL 2 and compare with those of human natural IL 2 (nlL 2) on a per unit basis. The two IL 2 preparations induced CTLL-2 cell proliferation at the equivalent level. This result showed that nIL 2 and rIL 2 activity could be evaluated with same assay system. Dose response of IL 2 in lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell induction was also similar. Greatest activity of LAK cells was induced with 500-1,000 U/ml (target, Raji) or 100 1,000 U/ml (target, K -562) of IL Z, and the activity decreases over 5,000 U/ml of rIL 2. In LAK cell induction kinetics, peak activity was seen after 4 (targe, Raji) to 5 day-culture (target, K-562) with rlL 2 and nIL 2. Thereafter, activity of LAK cells generated with nIL 2 declind whereas it was sustained (target, K-562) or enhanced successively (target, Raji) with rIL 2. Similar results were also seen in a prolonged activation of LAK cells for 9~14 days. Augmentation effect of IL2 on natural killer cell activity by 24 hr-treatment was comparable between nlL 2 and rlL 2 except that higher peak activity was observed with rIL 2 than with nIL 2. These data suggested that nIL 2 might be different from rIL 2 in some biological activities, although we cannot exclusively rule out the possibility that some other related lymphakines are present in nlL 2 preparation. Subsequent experiments for elucidation of the mechanisms for the differential activities demonstrated that the functional differences of the two IL 2 preparations observed above were due to neither lability nor poor IFN induction of nIL 2. Thus, it was assumed that activation or proliferation of any other cell populations than LAK effector or precursor cells, e.g., suppressor cells, might be involved in the mechanism.
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Serum Effect on the Indurtive Phase and Cytotoxic Phase of Lymphockine - activated Killer Cell
Oh Hoong Kwon, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):339-354.
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LAK (lymphokine activated killer) cells cytotoxic for human colon carcim>ma cell line SUN (:. i were generated in vitro when recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) was incubated with peripheral biood mononuclear cells from normal person and stomach cancer patient. This study was designed to establish the optimal condition for LAK activation and to evaluate the effect of fresh human serum on the LAK activity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated in RPMI-1640 with 10ro FCS (fetal calf serum) of 10% AHS (autologous human serum) at the concentration of 1 unit/ml of recombinant IL-2. Cytotoxicity against SNU-C5 was measured by tetrazolium-based colorimetric (MTT) assay. The cytotoxic response first appeared significantly after 3 days of culture with recombinatn JL-2, and it peaked after 5 days and declined after 7 days of incubation. During 5 dyas culture, recombinant II.-2 induced the potent LAK activity at the concentration of 1 unit/ml. After 4 days incubation. almost all target cells (SNU-C5) were killed bv the LAK of 5 davs culture at the effector: target cell ratio of 10:l. The level of LAK activity generated was significantly reduced (P<0.00l) when 10% AHS (autologous human seruml was used instead of 10% FCS (fetal calf serum) in the recombinant IL-2 cultures of inductive phase of LAK. This suppression was not only for the inductive phase of LAK activation but also for the cvtotoxic phase of LAK activity, because AHS could suppress the cytotoxic capability of LAK once Lhey were activated by recomhinant IL-2. The cytotoxic response of LAK of normal persons and stomach cancer patients cultured with nonnal seurm were significantly higher than the of LAK cultured with stomach cancer patient serum (P<0.001). The cytotoxic response of LAK which was cultured with stomach cancer patient's serum with 1 unit/ml of recombinant IL-2 were significantly higher than those of LAK which was cultured with stomach cancer patients serum with 1 unit/ml of recombinant IL-2 (P<0.001). So, the LAK activity wihich was supprevsed by strimach cancer patients serum could be rwercome by increasing thc conccntration of recomhinant IL-2 during the incluctive phase of LAK activation and the cytotoxic phase of LAK.
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Phase 1 / 2 Evaluation of Recombinant Interferon Gamma in Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma
Te June Chung, Young Yul Lee, Il Young Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):354-363.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Anticancer therapeutic potential and immune response modifying activity of recombinant human interferon gamma (Lucky Central Laboratory, Korea) were evaluated in advanced colorectal carcinoma patients. 31 patients were randomized to two groups: A group receiving 5 x 10 units I'M daily for 1 weeks and B group given 10x10' units IM daily for 4 weeks. 27 patients were evaluable for toxicities. Reversible toxicities of WHO grade <3 were noted in both groups which included fever, malaise, anorexia, and headar.he in order of decreasing freque.ncy. Dose dependent toxicities uere obvious since group B showed more frequent and severe toxicities. Among the laboratory changes, leukopenia was most frequent with 6 out of IS group B patients. While receiving IFN-gamma, NK activity and THI+) lymphocytes uere increased in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells. But Tacl+) lymphocytes were not increased in proportion. These immunoiogic changes were about same in both groups. 24 patients were evaluable for response with no antitumur responses observed. Only 3 patients showed stable disease for mean duration of 3 months. Our results suggest that 5 x 10 units of IFN-gamma injcction daily is tolerable and sufficient for enhancing host immune response against cancer, although inact.ive in the real eradication of advanced colorectal cancer. Additional clinical investigations are warranted in terms of combination with interferons and other biological response modifiers.
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Effects of Radiation Therapy on Immunity in Patients with Carcinoma of the Uterine Carvix
Jae Wook Kim, Jae Wook Kim, Sung Ho Kang, Chang Hoon Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):363-376.
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Various reports suggest that most tumors in humans may develop when their immune mechanism is depressed. The results generally indicated that some immunological change occurs in cancer patients in connection with the presence of malignant tissue, prabaly suppressing the native resistance mechanism of the patient against cancer. Some reports suggest that radiotherapy a common modality for the treatment of the cervical cancer, may have deleterious effects on the host immunity, but there still remains much disagreement between many researchers. In the present study, we have attempted to demostrate the effects of radiotherapy on the immune capacity of cervical cancer patients by immune aswssment. From the patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix, who visited to the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei university, College of Medicine, from Novemher 1986 through October 1988, 32 patients were selected for this study. The 20 healthy controls were selected from people whose age and characteristics were similar to patients. T and B lymphocyte count., peripheral blood lymphocyte mitogenic response to phytohemagglutinin (YIIA) and concanavalin A (Con Al, natural killer cell activity and antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity were evaluated in this study. Immune assessment were performed on all patients before treatment, and 1, J, 6, 12 months of follow-up visits after completion of treatment in 20 patients, and the result. were as follows; 1) The measurcd T and B lymphocyte counts in the study subjects were a little low compared with those of controi subjects; the differences, however, was not significant. Lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA and Con A, antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and notural killer cell activity were significantly depressed; however, immune capacity compared according to the disease stage showed no remarkable difference. 2) T and B lymphocyte counts showed a decrease from 1 month foilowing radiotherapy and recovcry did nut occur until the 12 months follow-up. 3) Lymphucyte mitogenic response tu PHA and Cun A were sightly depressed from I month following radiotherapy and no significant difference was noted during follow-up. 4) Lymphocyte mitogenic respr>nse to Con A was slightly depressed after 1 month foliowing radiotherapy, and its recovery, though minimal, was noted from 6 month following radiotheyapy, but still was significantly low as compared with that of control. 5) Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotaxicity showed no significant difference both before and after radiotherapy, but natural killer cell activity was depressed from 1 month after treatment with further depression being noted at 12 months follow-up. Immune status in the cervical cancer patients in this study, as evidenced by the depression of many of the parameters studied, appears to have been impaired, which was similar to those noted elsewhere in patients with various other cancers. Radiotherapy apparently caused further impairment of immunity in our patients. During the one year follow-up after radiotherapy, the number of T and B lymphocytes, lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA, and NK cell activity of our patients all remained unreverted ta their pretreatment levels. Whether these values change to those of the controls or at least to their pretreatment levels is uncertain at this point and should require further follow-up.
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An Experimental Study on In Vitro Chemosensitivity Tests Using Human Cancer Cell Lines
Dae Hyun Yang, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):376-406.
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The more effective chemosensitivity tests should be developed as useful tools in cancer biology research, anticancer drug screening, individualized chemotherapy, and development of other cancer treatment modalities. For practical use of chemosensitivity tests enormous efforts are necessary to improve previous tests or to develop new ideal tests. In this study, the experiments to achieve more efficient experimental conditions such as proper plating cell numbers and reasonable anticancer drug exposure (concentration and timel in the clonogenic assay using 5 human cancer cell lines were performed, and the inhibitory effects of anticancer agents on in vitro tumor marker levels of 2 cancer cell lines were evaluated, and then the value of simple dye exclusion assay was reassessed. The human cancer cell lines used in this study were SC-I of colon cancer, PLC/PRF/5 of hepatoma. ZR-75-1 of breast cancer, G 361 and Bowes melanoma of malignant melanoma. The anticancer drugs used were 5 FU, methotrexate, mitomycin C, adriamycin, cisplatin and BCUN. The clonogenic assay of SC-1 was done at various plating cell numbers, and clonogenic assay as chemosensitivity test was performed at various drug concentrations with continuous or 1-hour exposures. Clonogenic assays of 5 human cancer cell lines were carried out at the drug concentrations of 1/10 peak plasma concentra- tion (PPC) and 1/100 PYC of continuous exposure, or 1/1(l PPC of I-hour exposure. The tumnor marker inhibition of SC-I and PLC/RRF/5 by anticancer drug was measured by radioimmunoassay on the third and the fifth incubation day, and the cell survival fraction by dye exclusion assay with trypan blue was calculated. In clonogenic assay of SC-I; the number of colrmies was increased with the increase of plating cell number, and the piating of: 5 x 10(4) cells/mi formed the sufficient number of colonies (over 500 per well) with reasonable coefficiency of variance. Other cell lines also formed sufficient number of colonies with the plating of 5 x 10(4) cells/mi. In clonogenic assay of SCI as chemosensitivity test; continuous exposures of 1/10 PPC and 1/100 PPC of anticancer drug and 1-hour exposure of 1/10 PPC showed valuable results which were able to differentiate more sensitive drugs from less sensitive drugs. In clonogenic assay of 5 cancer cell lines: continuous exposures of 1/10 and 1/100 PPC identified sensitive drugs more clearly than 1-hour exposure of 1/10 PPC. Most anticancer drugs of long in vitro half life revealed more sensitive activity than those of short half life in the clonogenic assay of continuos exposure. Among three kinds of in vitro chemosensitivity tests of continuous drug exposure, the clonogenic assay showed more sensitive data in anticancer activity than the tumor marker inhibition test and the dye exclusion assay. And the results of 3 tests were closely interrelated in many series of the experiment. Anticancer drugs of longer in vitro half life usually revealed more sensitive activity also in the tumor marker inhibition test and the dye exclusion assay of continuous exposure. In conclusion: in the experiments of in vitro chemasensitivity tests using human cancer cell lines, the proper plating numbers of the clonogenic assay were approximately 5x10(4) cells/ml, and the continuous drug exposures (1/10 PPC and 1/100 PPC) identified sensitive drugs more clearly than the 1-hour exposure (1/10 PPC), and the effects of the exposure time and especially the in vitro drug half life in media as well as the in vitro anticancer drug concentration were significant on the sensitivity data in the clonogenic assay and also in the tumor marker inhibition test and the dye exclusion assay, and the results of three tests were closely interrelated in many series of the experiment.
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The Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Combined 5-Fluorouracil and Mitomycin-C following curative resection for gastric Cancer
Young Suk Park, Chang In Suh, Won Ki Kang, Heung Tae Kim, Yung Jue Bang, Noe Kyeong Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Kuhn Uk Lee, Kuk Jin Choe, Soo Tae Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):406-413.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy with 12 cycles of 5-FU and mitomycin-C has been administered in 162 patients with stage II or lll gastric adenocarcinoma after curative gastric resection. 1) After a median follow-up time of 81 months, 94/163 treated patients recurred (58%). The sites of recurrent cancer were as follows: loco-regional, 419, peritoneal, 24%, distant metastases, 26%, multiple sites, 9%. 2) The 5-year disease free survival rates were 36.8% 3) The 5-year overall survival rates were 45.0% and the median survival was 50.2 months. 4) The number of lymph nodes involvement and the T stage affected disease free and overall survival. 5) The FM regimen was well tolerated, and produced moderate bone marrow suppression, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
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Study on the Various Factors for Growth Stimulationof Colorectal Cancer cell Lines Using MTT Assay
In Gyu Hong, Sung Gyu Lee, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):413-424.
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The establishment of cell lines plays a important role for the study on cellular and molecular biology of cancer. lt is well known that serum free defined media is useful for the establishment of cell lines. The effect of twelve factors used as a constituents of serum free defined media, ACL-4, on seven colon cancer cell lines were tested using MTT [3-(4-5-dimethythiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay. Our results suggest that among twelve factors tested, transferrin and insulin and bovine serum albumin were very important factors for the growth of colon cancer cell lines. The concentration of transferrin (10 ug/ml) and insulin (20 ug/ml) in ACL-4 media was optimal to culture of the twa colan cancer cell lines, but one line, NCI-H716, graws better in higher concentration of insulin (100 ug/ml).
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Recurrent Wilms' Tumor Following Primary Treatment
Jin Sil Seong, Chang Ok Suh, Gwi Eon Kim, Byung Soo Kim, John Juhn Kyu Loh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):424-431.
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Fourteen cases of recurrent Wilms' tumor following primary treatment, treated at Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei Vniversity College of Medicine, Yonsei Cancer Center between 1970 and 1984 were retrospectively analysed. All the patients relapsed within 2 years and the most frequently involved site appeared the lung followed by the primary site and the liver. Among 7 patients to whom salvage treatment was attempted, 3 were successfully salvaged to long term survival over 3 years. From this study it can be concluded that the close follow up to detect any recurrent disease as soon as possible should be done, salvage treatment should be tried with more refined treatment regimen, and new attempts, although experimental, should also be done to the patients who show poor response to conventional salvage treatment.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Melanoma
Suk Kyun Chang, Il Young Park, June Lee, Sang Yong Choo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):431-440.
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Maligant melanoma has been the focus of considerable epidemiological attention. Race, living condition and skin types are the most important factors influencing the biological behavior and overall outcome of malignant melanoma. There is widespread agreement that melanoma occurs less frequently in the pigmented than in the non-pigmented races. Systemic evaluation of Korean melanoma patients has been limited. The frequency of melanoma in Korea is much lower than that in Cauccasians but the patients of mlanoma were slowly increased. Since the ultimate prrignusis is directly related to the depth of invasion of primary melanoma, all physicion should remain alert to changes in pigmented lesion in order to establish an early diagnosis and treatment. Twenty-two cases of malignant melanoma were admitted and treated at St. Mary Hosp. from Jan. 1981 to Aug. 1988. A review of this clinical materials revealed following: 1) Sex distribution showed 10 cases were male and 12 cases were female. The peak incidence of age was 5th decade. 2) The most common symptom was mass. The other symptoms were discoloration, Gl symptoms and ocular pain. 3) The most common site was extremity. The other sites were trunk, eye, head and neck. 4) Metastasis was most commonly to regional lymph node.. Site of distant metastasis included optic nerve, intra-abdvminal, brain. 5) Most frequentiy performed surgical procedure was wide excision with or without regional lymph node dissection (45%). 6) Major growth pattern was nodular melanoma (4). Others were epitheloid melanoma (2), acral lentigous melanoma l2l, superficial spreading meianoma (I) and unclassified (13). il In analysis of staging, Stage III-IV were most common (15 cases, 68%). 0 In chemotherapy, 10 cases were treated with 4 chemotherpeutic agent, all including DTIC. In immunothvrapy, BCG & TCV Itumor cell vaccine) were applied (6 cases).
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Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Mediastinum - Report of two cases -
Young Jin Kim, Hyun Cheol Chung, Wha Young Lee, Hyung Jung Kim, Jae Kyung Roh, Doo Yun Lee, Jong Doo Lee, Gwi Eon Kim, Jun Kyu Loh, Nam Hoon Cho, In Joon Choi, Byung Soo Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):440-448.
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Malignant fibrus histiocytoma (MFH) is a deep seated plemorphic sarcoma of older adults, which occurs most frequently in the deep fascia and skeletal muscle of the extremities and trunk. A rare tumor initially described in 1964 by OBriend and Stout, who considered it to have a histiocytic origin, it has been increasingly recognized as a discrete entity. There are only few descriptions of the intrathoracic occurrence of the MFI-l. Here, we report two cases of MFH originated from the mediastium which is a very unusual site. Radiation appeared to be a useful adjuvant treatment to surgical therapy in one case. Clinical features of the other reported cases of the intrathoracic MFH were also reviewed.
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Two Cases of Spontaneous Pneumothorax During Chemotherapy
Hyung Keun Roh, Nae Chun Yoo, Wha Young Lee, Hyun Cheol Chung, Jae Kyung Roh, Byung Soo Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):448-454.
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Spontaneous pneumothorax usually occurs abruptly without antecedent trauma to the chest. This diagnosis is subdivided into primary spontaneous pneumothorax, which accurs in healthy individuals without any known etiology, and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax, which is associated with underlying lung disease. There are many etiologic lung diseases producing secondary spontaneous pneumothorax, which is rare in lung cancer as a complication. Moreover, the occurrence of spantaneous pneumothorax after chemotherapy is very rare. The mechanism far development of spontaneous pneumothorax in primary or metastatic lung cancer has been described as a rupture of an emphysematous bulla in an overexpanded portion of lung partially obstructed by neoplasm, or an actual rupture of peripheral necrotic tumor into the pleural space. And effective chemotherapy may increase the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax in patients with manifest or occult lung metastases by inducing rapid lysis of the tumor tissue and by interfering with repair process. This report describes two cases of repeated spontaneous pneumothorax after chemotherapy in a patient with osteosarcoma and another patient with epithelioid sarcoma, and discusses possible pathophysiologic mechanisms.
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Future Prediction of Cancer Deaths in Japan
종회 김
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1989;21(2):454-463.
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The number of cancer deaths and age-adjusted cancer death rates up to 2000 in Japan were predicted based on cancer death rates in 1972-1986. A Simple linear regression model (y=a+bt, where t is calender year and y is cancer death rate per 100,000 population) was fitted to the sex-age specific cancer mortality rates from 1972 to 1986 and cancer death rates in 1990, 1995 and 2000 were predicted by extrapolation method. The number of future cancer deaths was estimated after taking into account future population in Japan. The age-adjusted cancer ratues up to 2000 were also estimated. The present study revealed that the numbers of deaths from stomach cancer (both sexes), uterine cancer and esophageal cancer (females) would keep declining, while all other cancers would increase in the future. The total number of cancer deaths in 2000 was estimated to be about 310,000 which is 1.62 times that in 2000, lung cancer would rank top accounting for 22.2% of all cancer deaths, followed by cancers of the large intestine, liver, stomach, pancreas, biliary tract, leukemic, lymphoma and breast.
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