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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 28(4); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1996;28(4): 748-761.
Cisplatin 투여 화학요법시 Granisetron 의 오심 및 구토에 대한 효과
김열홍, 김병수, 김석진, 오상철, 신상원, 김준석
Effect of Granisetron in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting Associated with Cisplatin Containing Chemotherapy
Yeul Hong Kim, Byung Soo Kim, Suk Jin Kim, Sang Chul Oh, Sang Won Shin, Jun Suk Kim
Background: Granisetron is a new, highly selective 5-TH antagonist with a long half life which has been shown to be highly effective at one dose per day in the prevention of nausea and vomiting induced by cisplatin containing chemotherapy. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of granisetron to prevent nausea and vomiting induced by multiple low dose cisplatin containing regimen or single high dose cisplatin containing regimen.
From December 1994 to December 1995, 44 consecutive chemotherapy-naive patients who were to receive cisplatin containing reaimen, were enrolled in this study. Twenty four patients, who were treated with multiple low dose cisplatin were classified as group I and 20 patients, who were treated with single high dose cisplatin were classified as group II. On the first day of chemotherapy, the patients had received granisetron(3 mg/ 3 ml) at 5 minutes prior to cisplatin injection. And then, the patients checked the degree of nausea and the number of vomiting, at every 24 hours for 6 days by themselves. According to the criteria of Italian Group of Antiemetic Research (IGAR), we regarded the none and mild nausea as the surcessful control of nausea and the complete and major response of vomiting as the successful control of vomiting. Also, complete and major response by the criteria of Soukop and Smith was regarded as the successful control.
1) At first 24 hours, nausea control was achieved in 84%(20 cases) and vomiting control was achieved in 88%(21 cases) of the group I patients by the criteria of IGAR and 88%(21 cases) of the group I patients had successful control by the criteria of Soukop and Smith. At second and third day, when cisplatin administration was continued, nausea control rate was 59%(14 cases), 33%(8 cases), respectively and vomiting control rate was 67% (16 cases) at both days by the criteria of IGAR. According to the criteria of Soukop and Smith, control rate was 63%(15 cases) and 58%(14 cases) at second and third day in group I patients, respectively. 2) At first 24 hours, nausea control was aehieved in 85%(l7 cases) and vomiting control was achieved in 95%(19 cases) of the group II patients by the criteria of IGAR and 75%(15 cases) of the group II patients had successful control by the criteria of Soukop and Smith. After cisplatin administration, symptoms were aggravated temporally during day 2 and recovered gradually. After day 1, nausea control rate was 55~90% and vomiting control rate was 75~100% in group II patients. 3) Rescue therapy was attempted in 3 cases of group I patients and 6 cases of group II patients. Six out of those nine patients got improved and additional granisetron administration as a rescue therapy was quite effective. 4) The observed side effects of granisetron were dizziness(2 cases), headache(l case), and diarrhea(1 case), which were improved without any therapy. Conelusion: These results suggested that granisetron was well tolerable and effective for the control of nausea and vomiting induced by cisplatin containing chemotherapy with the convenience of single injection.
Key words: Granisetron, Cisplatin, Nausea, Vomiting
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