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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 27(4); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1995;27(4): 692-696.
췌장의 선포세포암 - 증례보고 -
정수영, 양익, 이열, 박해정, 안해경
Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas - A case report -
Soo Young Chung, Ik Yang, Yul Lee, Hai Jung Park, Hye Kyung Ahn
Acinar cell carcinoma in pancreas is uncommon and occurs in less than 2% among the epithelial non-endocrine pancreatic tumors. Acinar cell carcinoma is usually seen in the elderly patients and shows poor prognosis due to frequent metastasis. A 59 year old man was admitted because of indigestion and abdominal distension. A large, irregular, marginated, heterogeneous and hypodense mass with internal necrosis in pancreas was the characteristic CT feature of acinar cell carcinoma in pancreas. Celiac arteriogram showed a central hypovascular mass with sweeping of left gastric artery. Superic; mesenteric arteriography showed tortuous neovascularity along the peripheral portion of mass. Gross specimen showed an ill defined ovoid pink friable mass with a portion of necrotic yellow area. Light microscope showed gyriform or glendular pattern devided by fine fibrovascular stroma. The cells have round vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli located in relatively basally and abundant cytoplasm. Multiple electron-dense cytoplasmic zymogen granules in cytoplasm of the enlarged acinar cells on electron microscope can lead the diagnosis. We report the CT and angiographic findings of a case of acinar cell carcinoma in pancreas.
Key words: Pancreas, CT, Neoplasm
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